
PAK301: Pakistan Studies
课程网址: http://ocw.vu.edu.pk/CourseDetails.aspx?cat=Humanities+Distributi...  
主讲教师: Dr. Hassan Askari Rizvi
开课单位: 巴基斯坦虚拟大学
开课时间: 2012-02-14
课程语种: 英语
巴基斯坦意识形态,根据QUAID-I-AZAM和ALLAMA IQBAL的声明的巴基斯坦意识形态,Aligarh运动,Syed Ahmad Khan爵士及其贡献,1857-1918年的主要政治发展,Khilafat运动,英属印度的穆斯林政治:1924 - 1935阿拉玛·IQBAL&rsquo·艾求白;s总统解决1930年12月,穆斯林政治和乔杜里马特·阿里,国会部委政策穆斯林,拉合尔的决议,1940年主要政治发展在1945 - 46,走向独立,1947年,英属印度宪法发展,新国家的问题,目标分辨率(1949),宪法问题,宪法(1947 - 56),宪法(1947 - 56),1962年宪法,1973年宪法、政治史(1972-71)、政治史(1972-2003)、地理、土地、边界和社区、自然资源、农业、工业发展、巴基斯坦的教育、巴基斯坦的外交政策、巴基斯坦和穆斯林世界
课程简介: Ideology of Pakistan, Ideology of Pakistan in the Light of Statements of QUAID-I-AZAM and ALLAMA IQBAL, The Aligarh Movement, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and His Contributions, MAJOR POLITICAL DEVELOPMENTS 1857-1918, The Khilafat Movement, Muslim Politics in British India: 1924-1935, ALLAMA IQBAL’s Presidential Address December 1930, Muslim Politics and Chaudhry Rahmat Ali, The Congress Ministries-- Policies towards Muslims, The Lahore Resolution, 1940, Major Political Developments in 1945-46, Towards Independence, 1947, Constitutional Development in British India, The Problems of the New State, The Objectives Resolution (1949), Constitutional Issues, Constitution Making (1947-56), Constitution Making (1947-56), The 1962 Constitution, The 1973 Constitution, Political History (1972-71), Political History (1972-2003), Geography, Land, Boundaries and Neighborhoods, Natural Resources, Agriculture, Industrial Development, Education in Pakistan, Foreign Policy of Pakistan, Pakistan and the Muslim World, Over View
关 键 词: Pakistan; Studies; research
课程来源: 巴基斯坦虚拟大学公开课
最后编审: 2021-02-07:nkq
阅读次数: 48