
The Medium Religion
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_groys_mr/  
主讲教师: Boris Groys
开课单位: 卡尔斯鲁厄艺术设计大学
开课时间: 2010-08-13
课程语种: 英语
曾经深入研究苏联后现代主义和俄罗斯前卫艺术场景的着名哲学家,评论家和散文家鲍里斯·格罗伊斯现在把他的注意力转向宗教和数字媒体最近和危险的婚姻。在一篇基于他的论文“数字再现时代的宗教”的演讲中,Groys自由地借鉴了Gilles Deleuze,Walter Benjamin,Martin Heidegger和Nietzsche这样的前辈,为原教旨主义画上了一笔。他认为,面对世俗和持怀疑态度的世界,全球极端主义宗教的复兴取决于视频的广播和数据的分发,特别是通过互联网。 Groys认为,在较古老的时代,宗教仪式被实践并且“在孤立的神圣地方”。”今天,“仪式,重复和再生”已经成为整个文化的命运。一切都在自我复制 - 资本,商品,技术和艺术。”在我们这个时代,像MySpace和YouTube这样的公共媒体网站以私人希望,梦想和信仰为特色,取代了前一个时代的公众讨论。 Groys说,这种媒体的新配置,特别是互联网,鼓励甚至支持主权宗教政治而不是制度化的世俗政治。 “互联网是当代侵略性宗教运动可以安装其宣传材料并在全球采取行动的空间。”今天的宗教仪式是在有线的全球空间中制定的,通过数字复制的明显魔力,它们可以无限次地忠实再现。视频,相信Groys,作为原教旨主义的主要媒介,通过广播电视,互联网和商店提供图像。数字图像更加强大,因为它们“有能力通过开放的领域发起,繁殖和分配自己;通信,就像爬出来一样,就像是神圣和愚蠢的一样;” Groys展示了两个视频片段:西伯利亚的一个基督教福音派仪式,一个男人穿着圣经服装,直接出自Franco Zeffirelli的生物照片,拿撒勒的耶稣,向信徒们致意;和一名黎巴嫩共产党自杀式炸弹袭击者的录音供词和评论。视频录制,数字图像传输给无数人,都试图产生信仰和激情,并在某些方面发挥作用,如“拜占庭式的图标”,“格罗斯说。 “数字文件充当天使 - 传递神圣命令的无形信使。”
课程简介: Noted philosopher, critic and essayist Boris Groys, who has previously delved into the Soviet post-modernist and Russian avant-garde art scene, turns his attention now to the recent and dangerous marriage of religion and digital media. In a talk based on his paper, Religion in the Age of Digital Reproduction, Groys draws freely on such predecessors as Gilles Deleuze, Walter Benjamin, Martin Heidegger and Nietzsche to draw a bead on fundamentalism. He contends that the revival of extremist religion worldwide, in the face of a secular and skeptical world, depends on the broadcast of video and distribution of data, particularly through the Internet. Groys argues that in older times, religious rituals were practiced “in isolated sacred places.” Today, “ritual, repetition and reproduction have become the fate of the entire culture. Everything reproduces itself -- capital, commodities, technology and art.” In our day, public media sites like MySpace and YouTube feature private hopes, dreams and beliefs, substituting for the public discussions of a previous age. This new configuration of the media, especially the Internet, encourages and even favors sovereign religious politics over institutionalized secular politics, says Groys. “The Internet is the space in which it is possible for contemporary, aggressive religious movements to install their propaganda material and act globally.” Today’s religious rituals are enacted in a wired global space, where they can be faithfully reproduced an unlimited number of times, through the apparent magic of digital duplication. Video, believes Groys, serves as the principal medium of fundamentalism, serving up images over broadcast TV, the Internet, and in stores. Digital images are all the more powerful because they “have the ability to originate, multiply and distribute themselves through the open fields…of communication, like climbing out of nowhere, like being divine…” Groys shows two video clips: a Christian evangelical ritual in Siberia, where a man dressed in Biblical garb straight out of Franco Zeffirelli’s bio-pic, Jesus of Nazareth, greets the faithful; and the taped confession of a Lebanese communist suicide bomber with commentary. Video recordings, digital images transmitted to countless many, are attempts to generate belief and passion, and function in some ways like “a Byzantine icon,” says Groys. “The digital file functions as an angel -- an invisible messenger transmitting a divine command.”
关 键 词: 宗教; 数字媒体; 极端宗教复兴
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-09-25:yumf
阅读次数: 65