Ei Compendex(《工程索引》)
1011. Nsga-Iii-Sd Based Fuzzy Energy Management System Optimization for Lithium Battery/Supercapacitor Hev
Gao, Ruibin ; Tao, Jili ; Zhang, Jingyi ; Ma, Longhua ; Xu, Ming
论文类型:Preprint ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2022-10166;社媒影响:  全文
1012. Testing homogeneity of high-dimensional covariance matrices under non-normality    (Open Access)
Shen, Jieqiong
Journal of Physics: Conference Series,2022,2294(1):
论文类型:Conference article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2022-10162;社媒影响:  全文
1013. Testing the equality of multiple high-dimensional covariance matrices    (Open Access)
Shen, Jieqiong
Results in Applied Mathematics,2022,15():
论文类型:Journal article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2022-10161;社媒影响:  全文
1014. Competing effects of surface catalysis and ablation in hypersonic reentry aerothermodynamic environment    (Open Access)
Cui, Zhiliang ; Zhao, Jin ; Yao, Guice ; Zhang, Jun ; Li, Zhihui ; Tang, Zhigong ; Dongsheng, W.e.n.
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,2022,():
论文类型:Article in Press;证明编号:NBT-EI-2022-10159;社媒影响:  全文
1015. Coupled surface-volume pyrolysis effects of carbon-phenolic resin composites under hyperthermal non-equilibrium flows
Cui, Zhiliang ; Ye, Zhifan ; Zhao, Jin ; Sun, Xiangchun ; Yao, Guice ; Wen, Dongsheng
Physics of Fluids,2022,34(6):
论文类型:Journal article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2022-10158;社媒影响:  全文
1016. Biomechanical Analysis of Arm Manipulation in Tai Chi    (Open Access)
Dong, Xiaoyan ; Hu, Xiaofan ; Chen, Biqing
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience,2022,2022():
论文类型:Journal article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2022-10157;社媒影响:  全文
1017. Effects of Pressurized Aeration on the Biodegradation of Short‐Chain Chlorinated Paraffins by Escherichia coli Strain 2    (Open Access)
Qian, Yongxing ; Han, Wanling ; Zhou, Fuhai ; Ji, Bixiao ; Zhang, Huining ; Zhang, Kefeng
论文类型:Journal article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2022-10156;社媒影响:  全文
1018. Virtual Team Collaboration: How the Empathy Tendency Influences User Experience?
Yang, Yifan ; Jing, Ying ; Sun, Xu ; Sun, Xiaotong ; Yang, Tongfeng ; Zhang, Sheng ; Xia, Qingchao ; Yang, Wei ; Li, Qijun ; Yang, Canjun
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics),2022,13329 LNCS():301-312
论文类型:Conference article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2022-10155;社媒影响:  全文
1019. Nano-titania modified cupric-based metal-organic frameworks for the on-line pass-through cleanup of phenothiazine drugs and metabolites in human plasma
Gan, Lu ; Zhao, Yonggang ; Yu, Cun ; Ye, Mingli ; Lu, Yin ; Xiao, Shanmei ; Zhang, Yun
New Journal of Chemistry,2022,():
论文类型:Article in Press;证明编号:NBT-EI-2022-10154;社媒影响:  全文
1020. Assembly sequence planning based on structure cells in open design
Li, Shipei ; Tang, Dunbing ; Xue, Deyi ; Wang, Qi ; Zhu, Haihua
Advanced Engineering Informatics,2022,53():
论文类型:Journal article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2022-10153;社媒影响:  全文