Ei Compendex(《工程索引》)
1471. Preparation of polyethyleneimine-decorated fullerene and its effect on thermal stability of polypropylene
Shen, Haifeng ; Shao, Shengdong ; Wang, Zilu ; Guo, Zhenghong
Fuhe Cailiao Xuebao/Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica,2020,37(11):2743-2748
论文类型:Journal article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2020-7927;社媒影响:  全文
1472. Product bionic fusion design based on shape matching
Luo, Shijian ; Bian, Ze ; Zhang, Yufei ; Lu, Jiawei ; Lu, Shizhu
Jisuanji Jicheng Zhizao Xitong/Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS,2020,26(10):2633-2641
论文类型:Journal article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2020-7926;社媒影响:  全文
1473. Chloride binding in cement paste with calcined Mg-Al-CO3 LDH (CLDH) under different conditions
Geng, Jian ; Pan, Chonggen ; Wang, Yu ; Chen, Wei ; Zhu, Yueyuan
Construction and Building Materials,2020,():
论文类型:Article in Press;证明编号:NBT-EI-2020-7924;社媒影响:  全文
1474. Attentive Prototype Few-Shot Learning with Capsule Network-Based Embedding
Wu, Fangyu ; Smith, Jeremy S. ; Lu, Wenjin ; Pang, Chaoyi ; Zhang, Bailing
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics),2020,12373 LNCS():237-253
论文类型:Conference article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2020-7907;社媒影响:  全文
1475. Narrow-Band Add-Drop Filter Based on Cladding-Modulated Apodized Multimode Bragg Grating
Qiu, Huiye ; Lin, Lisheng ; Yu, Ping ; Dai, Tingge ; Jiang, Xiaoqing ; Yu, Hui
Journal of Lightwave Technology,2019,37(21):5542-5547
论文类型:Journal article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2019-7882;社媒影响:  全文
1476. CNN and KPCA-based automated feature extraction for real time driving pattern recognition    (Open Access)
Xie, Liang ; Tao, Jili ; Zhang, Qianni ; Zhou, Huiyu
IEEE Access,2019,7():123765-123775
论文类型:Journal article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2019-7881;社媒影响:  全文
1477. A New Design of Predictive Functional Control Strategy for Batch Processes in the Two-Dimensional Framework
Zhang, Ridong ; Wu, Sheng ; Tao, Jili
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2019,15(5):2906-2914
论文类型:Journal article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2019-7863;社媒影响:  全文
1478. Probability discounting of environmental gains: do we multiply or add up?
Chen, Jiaxin ; Chen, Chuqian ; Wang, Yuqing ; He, Guibing
Journal of Risk Research,2019,22(12):1479-1489
论文类型:Journal article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2019-7862;社媒影响:  全文
1479. Multimode waveguide Bragg gratings on SOI platform
Qiu, Huiye ; Liang, Xiong ; Yu, Ping
2019 18th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks, ICOCN 2019,2019,():
论文类型:Conference article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2019-7850;社媒影响:  全文
1480. Stochastic simulation for time and space fractional differential equations
Lv, Longjin ; Wang, Luna ; Liu, Qiyu
International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education,2019,():
论文类型:Article in Press;证明编号:NBT-EI-2019-7849;社媒影响:  全文