Ei Compendex(《工程索引》)
2521. Linguistic complex networks
Cong, Jin ; Liu, Haitao
Physics of Life Reviews,2014,11(4):644-649
论文类型:Journal article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2014-3566;社媒影响:  全文
2522. Ubiquitous public service network:The framework and evidence from rural China
Yu, Zhiwei ; Xiong, Jie
Proceedings - Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2014,2014,():
论文类型:Conference article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2014-3563;社媒影响:  全文
2523. Lipid production by microalgae Chlorella protothecoides with volatile fatty acids (VFAs) as carbon sources in heterotrophic cultivation and its economic assessment
Fei, Qiang ; Fu, Rongzhan ; Shang, Longan ; Brigham, Christopher J. ; Chang, Ho Nam
Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering,2015,38(4):691-700
论文类型:Journal article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2015-3558;社媒影响:  全文
2524. A framework for mining actionable navigation patterns from in-store RFID datasets via indoor mapping
Shen, Bin ; Zheng, Qiuhua ; Li, Xingsen ; Xu, Libo
Sensors (Switzerland),2015,15(3):5344-5375
论文类型:Journal article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2015-3556;社媒影响:  全文
2525. Finite element analysis for anti-impact behavior of biogradable plant fibre bowls with foam cushioning packaging
Lu, Fude ; Gao, De
Zhendong yu Chongji/Journal of Vibration and Shock,2015,34(6):137-139 and 167
论文类型:Journal article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2015-3555;社媒影响:  全文
2526. A game model for dynamic competition of advanced manufacturing industry cluster
Feng, Qiang
2014 International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronic, Industrial and Control Engineering, MEIC 2014,2014,():803-806
论文类型:Conference article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2014-3553;社媒影响:  全文
2527. Latest progressin development of vacuum boiler technology
Ding, Yaqi ; Li, Jianxin ; Jiang, Lin ; Zhang, Xiuzhen ; Wang, Yongchuan ; Wu, Yongping ; Hu, Changxing
Zhenkong Kexue yu Jishu Xuebao/Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology,2015,35(2):125-129
论文类型:Journal article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2015-3552;社媒影响:  全文
2528. Efficient zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge of double discrete logarithm
Lian, Bin ; Chen, Gongliang ; Li, Jianhua
International Journal of Security and its Applications,2015,9(3):191-208
论文类型:Journal article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2015-3551;社媒影响:  全文
2529. Crack growth behavior at thermal fatigue of H13 tool steel processed by laser surface melting
Jia, Zhixin ; Liu, Yaowei ; Li, Jiqiang ; Liu, Lijun ; Li, Honglin
International Journal of Fatigue,2015,78():61-71
论文类型:Journal article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2015-3550;社媒影响:  全文
2530. The car following model considering traffic jerk
Ge, Hongxia ; Zheng, Pengjun ; Wang, Wei ; Cheng, Rongjun
Physica A,2015,433():274-278
论文类型:Journal article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2015-3549;社媒影响:  全文