Ei Compendex(《工程索引》)
1. Theoretical analysis of a modified continuum model
Ge, Hongxia ; Wu, Shuzhen ; Cheng, Rongjun ; Lo, Siuming
Chinese Physics Letters,2011,28(9):
论文类型:Journal article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2011-9416;社媒影响:  全文
2. Simultaneous derivatization and extraction of primary short-chain aliphatic amines using an ultrasonic-mixed water-ionic liquid two-phase system for liquid chromatography    (Open Access)
Jiang, Hailiang ; Ying, Liyan ; Hao, Yueli ; Zhou, Saichun ; Shen, Haoyu ; Tang, Ying ; Bao, Yazhen
Analytical Sciences,2011,27(1):43-47
论文类型:Journal article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2011-8751;社媒影响:  全文
3. Analysis of criteria for wind-environment assessment using threshold-of-probability-of-exceedance
Chen, Yong ; Wang, Xu ; Lou, Wenjuan ; Sun, Bingnan
Huazhong Keji Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition),2011,39(10):103-107
论文类型:Journal article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2011-7681;社媒影响:  全文
4. Experimental investigation of spherical roof subjected to thunderstorm downbursts
Chen, Yong ; Cui, Biqi ; Yu, Shice ; Lou, Wenjuan ; Sun, Bingnan
Jianzhu Jiegou Xuebao/Journal of Building Structures,2011,32(8):26-33
论文类型:Journal article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2011-7680;社媒影响:  全文
5. Utilizing knowledge based mechanisms in automated feature recognition processes
Zhang, Hao Lan ; Van Der Velden, Christian
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics),2011,6889 LNAI():316-326
论文类型:Conference article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2011-6151;社媒影响:  全文
6. A practical example on enhancing employability and entrepreneurship in institutions of higher education in China
Jin, Weiliang ; Lin, Bofeng
ICSIT 2011 - 2nd International Conference on Society and Information Technologies, Proceedings,2011,():182-187
论文类型:Conference article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2011-6137;社媒影响:  全文
7. Flame retardant polymer nanocomposites with fullerenes as filler
Fanga, Zhengping ; Song, Pingan
Thermally Stable and Flame Retardant Polymer Nanocomposites,2011,9780521190756():1-387
论文类型:Book chapter ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2011-6035;社媒影响:  全文
8. Influence of process papameters by vibrational cooling-shearing slope on microstructures of semi-solid ZAlSi9Mg Alloy
Liu, Wen ; Tan, Jian Bo ; Li, Ji Qiang ; Ding, Xu
Advanced Materials Research,2011,211-212():142-146
论文类型:Conference article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2011-4322;社媒影响:  全文
9. QM/MM studies on scandium-catalyzed syndiospecific copolymerization of styrene and ethylene
Luo, Yi ; Luo, Yunjie ; Qu, Jingping ; Hou, Zhaomin
论文类型:Journal article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2011-920;社媒影响:  全文
10. Compressibility of pore fluid of unsaturated soils and pore pressure parameter
Xu, Haofeng ; Xie, Kanghe ; Wang, Wenjun
2011 International Conference on Electric Technology and Civil Engineering, ICETCE 2011 - Proceedings,2011,():189-192
论文类型:Conference article ;证明编号:NBT-EI-2011-919;社媒影响:  全文