
Frontiers of the Second Law
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_lloyd_fsl/  
主讲教师: Eric Schneider, George N. Hatsopoulos, David Jou, Signe Kjelstrup, Miguel Rubi, Bjarne Andresen, Adrian Bejan, Seth Lloyd, Lyndsay Gordon, Miroslav Grmela
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-07-14
课程语种: 英语
这九位小组成员描述了热力学第二定律可以被拉伸或以不太传统的方式应用的方式。阿德里安·贝詹(Adrian Bejan)制定了一项法律,“涵盖物理学中的所有结构,从动画到无生命,再到我们,社会。”Bejan演示了他的定律如何描述和预测所有河流的树形流动,动物运动和人类定居分布。有了它,Bejan说,“热力学成为一种具有配置的系统的科学......”Bjarne Andresen承认“许多关于第二定律的斗争”,然后宣称他的信念“熵作为一个概念存在,并在化学实验室同样适用于量子计算机和黑洞。“他讨论了预先仔细定义被检查系统的重要性,”否则你会与邻居打架。“Miguel Rubi讨论如何使用第二定律提取有关小进化的信息系统。与“规范热力学”不同,它在能量,体积和质量方面描述系统,介观热力学在粒子的位置和运动方面关注系统。通过这种热力学可以解释的过程的一些例子包括离子的易位,在张力下展开的RNA和肌肉收缩.Signe Kjelstrup认为,介观非平衡热力学(MNET)可以通过解决“激活过程”解决经典非平衡热力学中长期存在的问题。 “生物系统有热流,Kjelstrup说,并且”尚未包括在酶动力学的描述中。应该在那里量化这些重要系统中失去的工作。“”非平衡热力学中出现的一个重要问题不仅仅是熵而是温度,“David Jou特别说,”温度的物理意义。“Jou调用了扩展的热力学粘弹性系统,并寻找一个适用于适度的方程组的简单模型.Miroslav Grmela建议,任何时候从细节到某种模式,“有一个熵涉及...通过提供某种消散,一些模式识别过程。“Grmela相信热力学......”在接触几何的设置中找到了一个自然的公式。“Lyndsay Gordon的演讲涉及Maxwellian阀门。他讨论了“一种基于渗透泳引擎的机器”,这是一种带有液膜,溶剂和溶质的简单系统,“这种情况完全无法波动”,没有任何信息。 “这件事情本身就存在,”他说.Eric Sc​​hneider在诸如太阳与地球之间的能量流动等梯度系统中辨别出“生态定律”。 “我们可以确定”......系统中的热量和熵产生“,以及”直接将它们与达尔文进化论联系起来的生态演替和定向过程。“他建议他的同事”鼓励政策制定者对未来能源开发使用火用分析“研讨会组织者George Hatsopoulos指出,”据我所知,在热力学方面,没有任何声明说第二定律意味着熵的增加。第二定律只说熵不能减少,但熵保持没有任何问题。“我们有证据表明在某些情况下熵增加,但这不是”第二定律“。
课程简介: These nine panelists describe ways in which the Second Law of Thermodynamics can be stretched, or applied in less traditional ways. Adrian Bejan has constructed a law that “covers every configuration in physics, from animate, to inanimate, to us, the societal." Bejan demonstrates how his law describes and predicts the tree-shaped flow of all rivers, animal locomotion and human settlement distribution. With it, says Bejan, “thermodynamics becomes a science of systems with configuration…” Bjarne Andresen acknowledges “many fights about the Second Law,” before declaring his belief that “entropy survives as a concept, and applies equally in the chemistry lab, to the quantum computer and to black holes.” He discusses the importance of carefully defining the system under examination beforehand, “otherwise you get into fights with your neighbors." Miguel Rubi discusses how to use the Second Law to extract information about the evolution of small systems. Unlike “canonical thermodynamics,” which describe systems in terms of energy, volume and mass, mesoscopic thermodynamics focuses on systems in terms of positions and movement of particles. Some examples of processes explicable by this kind of thermodynamics include the translocation of ions, RNA unfolding under tension, and muscular contractions. Signe Kjelstrup argues that mesoscopic nonequilibrium thermodynamics (MNET) can address a longstanding problem in classical nonequilibrium thermodynamics, by addressing “activated processes.” Biological systems have heat flow, says Kjelstrup, and “that is as of yet not included in the description of enzyme kinetics. It should be there to quantify lost work in these important systems.” “An important question arising in nonequilibrium thermodynamics is not just entropy but temperature,” says David Jou, in particular, “the physical meaning of temperature.” Jou invokes the extended thermodynamics of viscoelastic systems, and looks for a simple model valid for a modest range of equations. Miroslav Grmela suggests that any time one goes from details to some kind of pattern, “there is an entropy involved…by providing some kind of dissipation, some pattern recognition process.” Grmela believes that thermodynamics … “find a natural formulation in the setting of contact geometry.” Lyndsay Gordon’s talk involves Maxwellian valves. He discusses “a machine based on an osmophoretic engine,” a simple system with a liquid membrane, solvent and solute, “that is fluctuating completely forever,” without information. “This thing goes by itself,” he says. Eric Schneider discerns “laws of ecology” in such gradient systems as the energy flow between the sun and earth. “We can determine “…heat and entropy production in the system,” as well as “ecological successions and directional processes that directly tie them to Darwinian evolution.” He advises his colleagues “to encourage policy makers to use exergy analyses on future energy development projects.” Symposium organizer George Hatsopoulos wraps up by noting “that as far as I know in thermodynamics, there is no statement that says the Second Law implies the increase of entropy. The Second Law only says that the entropy cannot decrease, but there’s nothing wrong with entropy staying put.” We have evidence that in some cases it appears the entropy increases, but that’s not the “Second Law.”
关 键 词: 热力学第二定律; 树形流动; 定居分布
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-05-25:cwx
阅读次数: 29