

Nurturing a Vibrant Culture to Drive Innovation
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_kelly_vcdi/  
主讲教师: Terri Kelly
开课单位: 戈尔公司
开课时间: 2011-06-29
课程语种: 英语
W.L.仅戈尔的产品,如同名的GORETEX®水和防风面料,以及众多独特的医疗,电子和工业材料,似乎可以确保公司的成功。但Terri Kelly将这家拥有50年历史的公司的成就归功于工程技术,而不仅仅是其独特的文化。这家私营公司在全球拥有25亿美元的收入和8500名员工,最初是在Bill和Vieve Gore的地下室开设的电子公司。 1969年,他们的儿子鲍勃发现了一种强力,化学惰性,生物相容性和防水性的聚合物,具有几乎无限的应用。但正如凯利所述,戈尔家族不仅决定开发技术,还决定围绕一系列基本信念发展公司。凯利说,这种理念是戈尔创新和英镑业务成果的基础。戈尔鼓励人们相信个人,团队围绕小团队,认识到人们在同一条船上,所有人都必须“从长远角度看待。”比尔戈尔“讨厌政策手册和官僚主义的方式来告诉组织该做什么,“凯利说。在实践中,这意味着,除其他外,员工是平等的(员工),他们根据“他们的激情”决定要开展哪些项目,凯利说。该公司不鼓励拥有超过250名员工的工厂,以促进亲密沟通和团队合作,尽管其他人“将此视为令人难以置信的费用,但我们认为这是增长的催化剂,”凯利说。戈尔,新招聘可以持续几个月来,因为团队进行面试;凯利利用戈尔核心技术的优势,坚持凯利,而不是鼓励混乱,而不是鼓励混乱。探索“随着时间的推移而获得”的自由裁量权,并且员工致力于产品的成功。他们有权进行实验,而不是因为失败而受到惩罚。薪酬由同行评审决定,并以对项目的贡献为基础。凯利是戈尔为数不多的具有实际头衔的人之一;领导者通过明确表达愿景来鼓励其他人遵循。领导者还必须对决策和行动进行大量解释。凯利说,所有这些谈话似乎都是一种障碍,但前期工作使得复杂的项目运行得更加顺畅。她说,关键问题是,“人们是否愿意成为比个人贡献更重要的事物的一部分?如果他们能够做到这一点,那么所有其他部分都将落实到位,这有助于我们在戈尔创造一个创新周期。“
课程简介: W.L. Gore’s products alone, such as the eponymous GORE-TEX® water- and windproof fabrics, and a multitude of unique medical, electronic and industrial materials, might seem to assure the company’s success. But Terri Kelly attributes the 50-year-old company’s achievements not just to engineering prowess, but to its singular culture. This privately held company, with $2.5 billion in revenue and 8500 staff worldwide, began as an electronics company in Bill and Vieve Gore’s basement. In 1969, their son, Bob, discovered a polymer that was strong, chemically inert, biocompatible and water repellant, with nearly infinite applications. But as Kelly recounts, the Gore family determined not just to develop technology but to grow their company around a set of fundamental beliefs. This philosophy underlies Gore’s flow of innovations and sterling business results, says Kelly. Gore encourages belief in the individual, organization around small teams, recognition that people are in the same boat, and that all must “take the long view.” Bill Gore “hated policy manuals and bureaucratic ways of telling the organization what to do,” says Kelly. In practice, this means, among other things, that employees are equals (associates), who decide what projects to work on based on “their passion,” says Kelly. The company discourages plants with more than 250 associates, to promote intimate communication and team work, and though others “look at this as an unbelievable expense, we see this as a catalyst of growth,” says Kelly. At Gore, new hiring can last for months, because teams conduct interviews; and “everyone has dabble time.” Rather than encourage chaos, these methods lead to discipline, insists Kelly, leveraging the strengths of Gore’s core technology. The discretion to explore “is earned over time,” and associates commit to the success of a product. They are empowered to experiment, and not punished for failing. Compensation is determined by peer review, and is based on contribution to projects. Kelly is one of the few individuals at Gore with an actual title; leaders emerge by expressing a vision in clear enough terms to inspire others to follow. Leaders must also do a lot of explaining about decisions and actions. All this talk might seem an encumbrance, but upfront work makes complex projects run much more smoothly, assures Kelly. She says the key question is, “Do people like to be part of something greater than their individual contribution? If they get that part right, all other pieces fall into place, which helps us create an innovation cycle at Gore.”
关 键 词: 工程技术; 文化; 聚合物
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-05-16:杨雨(课程编辑志愿者)
阅读次数: 83