

Energy for the Coming Decades: Trends and Technologies
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_koonin_eftc/  
主讲教师: Steven E. Koonin
开课单位: 美国能源部
开课时间: 2013-04-19
课程语种: 英语
Koonin说,史蒂夫库恩的消息显然是混合的:“标题是世界不会很快耗尽能源,”但能源供应和使用的环境,政治和经济成本将相当可观。化石燃料推动了当前的世界经济,因此Koonin提供了这些估计:我们以目前的生产率获得了41年的石油价值,有可能再找到20年的价值;天然气至少可供使用70年;那里有一块母煤矿,长达1000年之久。中东石油产量将在几十年内达到峰值,导致价格下跌。美国和其他国家正在寻找新的原油来源,并寻找将天然气,煤和生物质转化为合成版汽油的方法。石油勘探和转换都很昂贵。 Koonin描述了英国石油公司的深水钻井项目,在墨西哥湾一英里深处钻一个洞,耗资5000万美元。合成新液态烃所需的投资达数百亿。但是,即使从经济上取回或创造新的石油来源,Koonin警告说,这里和亚洲各种能源需求的不断增加,以及相应的有害排放加速抵消了供应的潜在增长。无论是在车辆中还是在发电厂中,保护几乎都不会影响到图片。 Koonin说:“如果你想节约能源而不是提高效率,那真的是减少使用。”那么改变全球能源习惯需要什么呢? Koonin表示,无论是开发与化石燃料成本相当的新燃料的突破,还是可能激发各国改变其优先事项的“戏剧性气候事件”。
课程简介: Steve Koonin’s news is decidedly mixed: “The headline is the world is not going to run out of energy any time soon,” says Koonin, but the environmental, political and economic costs of energy supply and use will be considerable. Fossil fuels drive the current world economy, so Koonin offers these estimates: We’ve got 41 years’ worth of oil available at the current production rate, with a possibility of finding another 20 years’ worth; natural gas will be available for at least 70 years; and there’s a mother lode of coal out there, lasting up to 1000 years. Middle East oil production will peak in several decades, leading to a squeeze in prices. The U.S. and other nations are seeking new sources of crude, and finding ways to convert natural gas, coal and biomass to synthetic versions of gasoline. Both oil exploration and conversion are expensive. Koonin describes BP’s deepwater drilling projects, where boring a single hole a mile deep under the Gulf of Mexico costs 50 million dollars. The investment required to synthesize new liquid hydrocarbons runs in the tens of billions. But even if retrieving or creating new sources of oil works out economically, Koonin warns, the relentless increase in demand for all kinds of energy here and in Asia, and the corresponding acceleration of harmful emissions offsets the potential increase in supply. Conservation, whether in vehicles or in power plants, barely makes a dent in the picture. Says Koonin, “It’s really about reducing use if you want to save energy, not about efficiency.” So what will it take to change global energy habits? Either a breakthrough in developing new fuels that are equivalent in cost to fossil fuels, Koonin says, or “a dramatic climate event” that might galvanize nations to shift their priorities.
关 键 词: 能源供应; 经济成本; 石油公司
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-05-16:杨雨(课程编辑志愿者)
阅读次数: 39