
Challenges in Nation Building
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_ramos_horta_cinb/  
主讲教师: José Ramos-Horta
开课时间: 2010-05-21
课程语种: 英语
JoséRamosHorta有时充满幽默感,有时甚至是挑衅,他描述了21世纪第一个主权国家的形成时期。东帝汶从残酷的印度尼西亚统治到脆弱的自治的旅程让拉莫斯·奥尔塔在冲突和辩论中从联合国大厅到这个东南亚小岛的最小村庄进行了辩论。他在联合国两年后对2002年的情况进行了描述。监督过渡,当印度尼西亚交出了一个数十年来一直受武力统治的国家:“近20万人的人类灾难丧生。”另有20万人被迫流入西帝汶。当它“愤怒和沮丧”离开时,印度尼西亚的军队精心策划了对国家城市,道路,学校和诊所的破坏。拉莫斯·奥尔塔说:“经济处于停滞状态。” “我们几乎没有得到一个国家,一个骨架的草图。”鉴于“24年暴力的心理情感创伤”,重建东帝汶的挑战更加令人生畏。关于如何进行国家和解。西方大使最近呼吁拉莫斯·奥尔塔,“两个国家的代表最臭名昭着......为印度尼西亚独裁统治提供武器和红地毯待遇。”他们主张在印度尼西亚统治期间建立一个国际法庭,以追究危害人类罪。拉莫斯奥尔塔说:“如果心情不好,我会说,'对不起,你们两个人在讲授人权和正义吗?'”尽管联合国警告说“缺乏正义会助长有罪不罚现象, “他认为东帝汶必须走自己的和解道路。如果东帝汶设立这样一个法庭,“谁将从印度尼西亚或美国开始,它们立即向苏哈托,澳大利亚或所有人提供武器?”他说,“如果你不惜任何代价追求正义,而不是对当地的挑战和复杂性敏感,你破坏了初期的国家,民主和正义。“今天,当拉莫斯奥尔塔在农村旅行时,人们不想讨论安全和团结。记录Ramos Horta,“他们跟我开玩笑说:'先生总统,我们真的很喜欢你的和平之路,但我们更喜欢通往我们村庄的道路。“他现在专注于为他的人民提供清洁水和电等必需品,并支持国家脆弱的社会和经济制度。 “让我们把过去放在我们身后。照顾受害者,受伤者,在他们的思想,身体和灵魂中,建立一个值得这么多牺牲的国家。追逐过去的幽灵使我们无处可去,“拉莫斯奥尔塔说。
课程简介: At times humorous and other times defiant, José Ramos-Horta describes nurturing the 21st century’s first sovereign state through its formative years. The journey of East Timor from brutal Indonesian rule to fragile self-governance has involved Ramos-Horta in conflict and debate from the halls of the U.N. to the smallest villages of this tiny Southeast Asian island. He describes the scene in 2002, after two years of UN-supervised transition, when Indonesia handed off a nation it had governed by force for decades: “A human calamity -- close to 200 thousand people lost their lives.” Another 200 thousand were forcibly displaced into West Timor. As it departed “in anger and frustration,” Indonesia’s military orchestrated the destruction of the nation’s cities, roads, schools and clinics. “The economy was at a standstill,” says Ramos-Horta. “We received barely a sketch of a state, a skeleton.” The challenge of rebuilding East Timor is all the more daunting given “the psychological-emotional trauma of 24 years of violence.” There are bitter disputes involving how to conduct a national process of reconciliation. Western ambassadors recently called on Ramos-Horta, “representatives of two countries most notorious…for providing weapons and the red carpet treatment to the dictatorship of Indonesia.” They advocated establishing an international tribunal to pursue crimes against humanity during Indonesian rule. Says Ramos-Horta, “Had I been in a bad mood, I would have said, ‘Excuse me, the two of you are lecturing me on human rights and justice?’” Despite warnings from the U.N. that “lack of justice encourages impunity,” he believes East Timor must travel its own path toward reconciliation. If East Timor set up such a tribunal, “Who would it start with -- Indonesia or the U.S., which provided weapons to Suharto, or Australia, or all of them at once?” He states, “If you pursue justice at any cost without being sensitive to the challenges and complexities on the ground, you undermine the incipient nation, democracy and justice.” Today, when Ramos-Horta travels in the countryside, people don’t want to discuss security and unity. Recounts Ramos-Horta, “They joke with me: ‘Mr. President, we really like your road to peace, but we prefer a road to our village.’” He’s now focused on providing his people with such essentials as clean water and electricity, and shoring up the nation’s fragile social and economic institutions. “Let’s put all the past behind us. Look after the victims, the wounded, in their minds, bodies and souls, build a country that is deserving of so much sacrifice. Chasing the ghosts of the past leads us nowhere,” says Ramos-Horta.
关 键 词: 国家建设; 武力统治; 国际法庭
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-10-17:cwx
阅读次数: 31