
Science Education in the 21st Century: Using the Tools of Science to Teach Science
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_wieman_seit/  
主讲教师: Carl Wieman
开课单位: 不列颠哥伦比亚大学
开课时间: 2011-08-26
课程语种: 英语
受全球变暖等现实挑战的刺激,诺贝尔物理学奖获得者卡尔威曼将他对改善科学教育的好奇心转化为职业。威曼坚信,科学教育必须得到改善,不仅仅是为了激励和培养下一代科学家,而是教育公民“在棘手的问题上做出明智的决定”。 对于他的本科物理课程对学生明显缺乏影响感到不满,Wieman开始了个人的冒险之旅,发现为什么传统的科学教学方法 - 大型的演讲厅,充满事实的讲座 - 似乎在传达任务中失败了关键概念,更不用说激动人心的听众。他深入研究认知心理学研究,并了解到,当学生被动时,他们只保留了传递给他们的事实的10%,而且人类大脑确实拥有有限的RAM。我们的工作记忆可以容纳七个项目。此外,学生只是“通过在讲座中听到他们的理解,不会对概念有一个很好的理解。”大脑就像一个必须建立的肌肉,特别是涉及长期记忆的结构,Wieman学到了,并且“开发大脑需要长时间的努力。“ 然后,威曼追求有效教学实践的概念,那些允许学生发展自己理解的概念,“通过思考主题,然后监督和指导思考。”他最终提炼出的教学原则包括:聘请专家个人导师激励,向学生提出问题并与学生互动;并探讨“学生从哪里开始并与他们建立联系”,通过导师的反馈,找到让学生互相挑战,解释和批评的方法。 Wieman承认在大型课程中部署这些方法的难度,但建议利用技术来提供帮助。他发现特别有用的互动讲座与手持式答题器有助于衡量学生的理解。 Wieman还提倡高度互动的模拟,使学生能够“在计算机上构建电路”。他还支持“建立专家思维”的家庭作业问题,这是大脑为长期记忆产生更多蛋白质所需的努力练习的一部分。最终,我们“必须接近教学,就像我们做科学一样,”Wieman说,测试不同方法的有效性,并将这些研究的结果用于课堂。
课程简介: Spurred by such real-world challenges as global warming, Carl Wieman, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, has transformed his curiosity about improving science education into a vocation. Wieman is convinced that science education must be improved, not simply to inspire and train the next generation of scientists, but to educate a citizenry “to make wise decisions on tough questions.” Unhappy with the apparent lack of impact his undergraduate physics courses had on students, Wieman began a personal odyssey to discover why traditional methods of teaching science -- the massive lecture hall, the fact-filled lectures -- seemed to fail in the task of conveying key concepts, much less exciting listeners. He delved into cognitive psychology research, and learned that when students are passive, they retain a mere 10% of the facts conveyed to them, and that indeed, the human brain has a limited amount of RAM. Our working memory can hold around seven items. In addition, students simply “do not develop a good understanding of concepts by hearing them explained in lectures.” The brain is like a muscle that must be built up, especially the structures involving long-term memory, Wieman learned, and “to develop the brain requires a strenuous effort over a long time.” Wieman then pursued notions of effective teaching practices, those that would allow students to develop their own understanding, by “thinking hard about a subject and then monitoring and guiding that thinking.” The pedagogical principles he ultimately distilled include: employing an expert individual tutor to motivate, pose questions to and interact with students; and probing “where students are starting from and connect with them,” finding ways to have students challenge, explain and critique each other, with feedback from the tutor. Wieman acknowledges the difficulty of deploying these methods in a large class, but suggests utilizing technology to assist. He finds particularly helpful interactive lectures with hand-held clickers to help gauge student understanding. Wieman also advocates highly interactive simulations, enabling students to “build a circuit on computers,” for instance. He also backs homework problems “that go toward building expert thinking,” part of the effortful practice the brain needs to generate more proteins for long term memory. Ultimately, we “must approach teaching like we do science,” says Wieman, testing the effectiveness of different methods and putting the results of such research to use in the classroom.
关 键 词: 科学教育; 认知心理学; 有效教学实践
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-28:cjy
阅读次数: 79