
The twin cantilever approach to the single molecule detection
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/slonano07_lazzarino_tca/  
主讲教师: Marco Lazzarino
开课单位: 塔斯克国家实验室
开课时间: 2008-02-12
课程语种: 英语
由于基本原因和应用原因,最近通过机械系统检测和操纵单个分子已经受到越来越多的关注。特别是,基于机械谐振器的频移检测原理的传感器引起了极大的兴趣,其应用于医学和生物学已经导致非常敏感的诊断方法。然而,为了将灵敏度推向单分子水平,频率在GHz范围内的极端条件,在所有方向上振荡结构尺寸小于1m的尺寸,真空度优于10 10 mbar且温度低至几个凯尔文,被剥削了。在这里,我们提出了一种具有单分子灵敏度的替代策略,它使用几个微米尺寸的双悬臂结构,在室温和普通真空条件下操作。详细讨论了两个方面。通过两步法获得了具有纳米范围内可控尺寸的可调间隙的形成:首先,在合适设计的硅悬浮结构上诱导沿着Si 100晶面的断裂,确保形成两个原子级平坦边缘。然后通过类似于机械断裂连接中通常进行的机械弯曲来诱导间隙的受控开口。然后可以通过测量系统的机械本征频率的扰动或通过检测短驱动器悬臂和更长的从动器悬臂之间的分子连接引起的机械串扰来获得跨越间隙放置的一个或多个分子的检测。面对面。在桥接间隙的分子存在的情况下,如果驱动器在跟随器的本征频率下静电移动,则后者经历大的振荡,而不是通过光学或压阻方法容易检测到的,也是弱的结合力。我们制造了一个不对称双悬臂系统,其中有一个由多壁碳纳米管穿过间隙形成的连接,我们证明了在室温和正常真空条件下工作,在驱动器跟随器方案中,可以检测到一些存在分子。此外,我们研究了系统机械性能的演变,因为桥接间隙的数量或强度发生了变化。我们相信,通过适当控制键合化学,我们的系统的灵敏度可以提高到达单分子水平。
课程简介: Detection and manipulation of single molecules by means of mechanical systems has recently received constantly growing attention both for fundamental and applied reasons. In particular, great interest has been aroused by sensors based on the principle of frequency shift detection of mechanical resonators, the application of which to medicine and biology has lead to very sensitive diagnostic methods. However, in the effort to push the sensitivity to the single molecule level, extreme conditions of frequency in the GHz range, size with oscillating structures sized below 1m in all directions, vacuum better than 10-10 mbar and temperatures as low as a few Kelvin, have been exploited. Here we present an alternative strategy capable single molecule sensitivity, that uses twin cantilever structures of several micron in size, operated at room temperature and under ordinary vacuum conditions. Two aspects are treated in detail. The formation of a tunable gap with controllable size in the nanometer range has been obtained by a two step process: first a fracture along a Si 100 crystallographic plane has been induced on a suitable designed silicon suspended structure ensuring the formation of two atomically flat edges. The controlled opening of the gap is then induced by bending mechanically the wafer in analogy with what is normally done in mechanical break junction. The detection of one or more molecules placed across the gap can be then obtained either by measuring the perturbation to the mechanical eigenfrequency of the system or by detecting the mechanical cross talk induced by the molecular link between a short driver cantilever and a longer follower cantilever that face each other. In presence of molecules bridging the gap, if the driver is moved electrostatically at the eigenfrequency of the follower, the latter experience large oscillations than can be easily detected by optical or piezoresistive methods, also for weak binding forces. We fabricated an asymmetric twin cantilever system with a link formed by multi walled carbon nanotubes across the gap and we demonstrated that, working at room temperature and under normal vacuum conditions, in a driver-follower scheme, it is possible to detect the presence of a few molecules. Moreover we investigated the evolution of the mechanical properties of the system as the molecules bridging the gap change in number or strength. We believe that with a proper control of the bonding chemistry, the sensitivity of our system could be improved to reach the single molecule level.
关 键 词: 机械系统; 机械谐振器; 双悬臂结构
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-09-21:cwx
阅读次数: 36