

The Multilingual Language Library
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/w3cworkshop2012_calzolari_library/  
主讲教师: Nicoletta Calzolari
开课单位: 计算机语言学研究所
开课时间: 2012-06-06
课程语种: 英语
语言图书馆是一个全新的创举。始于LREC 2012 –作为一种通过简单的功能收集和提供所有该领域能够产生的语言知识的工具,在语言技术社区内建立了新的合作方式。它的主要特点是协作构建,整个社区通过注释/处理语言数据并自由使用它们来提供/丰富语言资源。我们利用了当今共享的趋势,从而发起了一场集体运动,该运动也致力于在现在分散的不同注释工作之间创建协作和协调。语言库可以看作是语言大基因组工程的开端,社区将共同储存/创造越来越丰富、越来越多层次的语言资源,从而加深对不同注释层之间复杂关系的理解。
课程简介: The Language Library is a quite new initiative – started with LREC 2012 – conceived as a facility for gathering and making available, through simple functionalities, all the linguistic knowledge the field is able to produce, putting in place new ways of collaboration within the Language Technology community. Its main characteristic is to be collaboratively built, with the entire community providing/enriching language resources by annotating/processing language data and freely using them. We exploit today's trend towards sharing for initiating a collective movement that works also towards creating synergies and harmonisation among different annotation efforts that are now dispersed. The Language Library could be considered as the beginning of a big Genome project for languages, where the community will collectively deposit/create increasingly rich and multi-layered linguistic resources, enabling a deeper understanding of the complex relations between different annotation layers.
关 键 词: 语言库; 语言知识; 语言资源
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-10-28:lxf
阅读次数: 81