
The Identification and Estimation of Direct and Indirect Effects in Online A/B Tests through Causal Mediation Analysis
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/kdd2019_yin_hong_identification/  
主讲教师: Xuan Yin
开课单位: Etsy公司
开课时间: 2020-03-02
课程语种: 英语
电子商务公司拥有许多在线产品,例如自然搜索,赞助搜索和推荐模块,可以满足客户需求。尽管这些产品中的每一个都为用户提供了与总库存的一部分进行交互的独特机会,但是它们都是用户的相似渠道,并争夺用户有限的时间和金钱预算。要优化用户在电子商务平台上的整体体验,而不是分别了解和改进不同的产品,重要的是要获得对一种产品的更改会导致用户改变其在另一种产品上的行为的证据的见解,这一点很重要。这些产品在功能上相似。在本文中,我们将因果中介分析作为一种正式的统计工具进行介绍,以揭示潜在的因果机制。现有文献很少提供关于存在多个无法测量的因果相关介体的案例的指导,这在A / B测试中很常见。我们寻求一种新颖的方法来确定在这些情况下治疗的直接和间接作用。最后,我们在Etsy的实际A / B测试数据中证明了该方法的有效性,并阐明了不同产品之间的复杂关系。
课程简介: E-commerce companies have a number of online products, such as organic search, sponsored search, and recommendation modules, to fulfill customer needs. Although each of these products provides a unique opportunity for users to interact with a portion of the overall inventory, they are all similar channels for users and compete for limited time and monetary budgets of users. To optimize users’ overall experiences on an E-commerce platform, instead of understanding and improving different products separately, it is important to gain insights into the evidence that a change in one product would induce users to change their behaviors in others, which may be due to the fact that these products are functionally similar. In this paper, we introduce causal mediation analysis as a formal statistical tool to reveal the underlying causal mechanisms. Existing literature provides little guidance on cases where multiple unmeasured causally-dependent mediators exist, which are common in A/B tests. We seek a novel approach to identify in those scenarios direct and indirect effects of the treatment. In the end, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in data from Etsy’s real A/B tests and shed lights on complex relationships between different products.
关 键 词: 电子商务; 因果中介; 直接作用; 间接作用
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2020-04-30:zhouxj
最后编审: 2020-07-09:chenxin
阅读次数: 52