

Leading an Environmentally Sustainable Enterprise
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_madaus_les/  
主讲教师: Martin Madaus
开课单位: 密理博公司
开课时间: 2011-06-29
课程语种: 英语
Martin Madaus说,气候变化可能是对下一代人的首要威胁,但为了避免其最严重的影响,我们必须现在就面对这个问题。为此,Madaus建议商业领袖们立即将注意力集中在将环境可持续性建设到他们的运营中,就像他在Millipore开始做的那样。挑战在于如何在全球经济扩张的同时,将温室气体排放量稳定在安全水平。在实践中,协调这些目标涉及到将每吨碳的生产率提高10倍。“好消息是,”Madaus说,“这实际上是可行的。”达到这个“碳生产力”的水平需要大量的公共/私人支出,但是,Madaus说,“这无疑是一个很好的投资,特别是当你考虑到气候灾难的缓解成本时,这对我们所有人来说都是难以置信的昂贵。”尽管政府必须在制定法规和激励措施方面发挥作用,特别是通过征收不受欢迎但必不可少的更高碳税,各类行业必须将可持续性作为一种商业实践。Madaus以Millipore为例,说明“站在环保主义的前沿是一个好的商业理念”。他的公司专注于改变产品和包装,减少能源、水和废物的浪费。在其生物技术工具研究和生产设施中,Millipore发现了如何升级锅炉、发电机、照明系统、压缩空气管道,并利用风能,自2006年起将温室气体排放量减少15%。“最令人惊奇的是,它是如此可行,因为存在着如此多的低效率和能源浪费。”Millipore在不到两年的时间里就获得了新的基础设施投资回报。Millipore还开发了可堆肥的生物塑料实验室设备,为客户开发了回收计划,矛盾的是,一次性产品(取代了一个大型不锈钢容器),最终在整个生命周期中节约了能源和水。除了在产品线和运营效率方面的创新,Madaus说他希望“对人们的生活产生影响,从而改变他们的生活习惯。”Millipore鼓励员工使用混合动力汽车,使他们的家庭节能,并鼓励员工提出可持续生活的想法。“我希望我们能让节能和生态效率变得既酷又有趣;今天它仍然被视为一种工具,一种行为改变。”这些小步骤只是开始,Madaus认为温室气体减排20%是完全可行的,而不仅仅是在Millipore。“如果有人告诉你这件事做不到,因为他们在发展自己的公司,那他们就满载而归了。”
课程简介: Climate change poses perhaps the premiere threat to coming generations, says Martin Madaus, but to avoid its worst impacts, we must confront the issue now. To that end, Madaus exhorts business leaders to focus immediately on building environmental sustainability into their operations, as he has begun to do at Millipore. The challenge is figuring out how to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions at safe levels while expanding economies worldwide. In practice, reconciling these objectives involves squeezing more productivity out of each ton of carbon by a factor of 10. “The good news,” says Madaus, is that “this is actually doable.” Reaching this level of “carbon productivity” entails major public/private spending, but, says Madaus, “This is certainly a good investment, particularly when you consider the mitigation cost of climate catastrophe, which would be unbelievably expensive for all of us.” While government must play a role in establishing regulations and incentives -- especially by imposing an unpopular but essential higher carbon tax -- industries of all kinds must integrate sustainability as a business practice. Madaus offers Millipore as an example of how “being at the cutting edge of environmentalism is a good business idea.” His company has focused on changes in products and packaging, and reducing waste in energy, water and waste. In its biotech tool research and production facilities, Millipore figured out how to upgrade boilers, generators, lighting systems, compressed air piping, and use wind energy to reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases by 15% since 2006. “The amazing part of this, it was so doable, because there was so much inefficiency and waste of energy.” Millipore’s return on new infrastructure investment came in less than two years. Millipore also developed compostable bio-plastic lab devices, recycling programs for customers, and paradoxically, a disposable product (replacing a large, stainless steel vessel), which ends up saving energy and water throughout its lifecycle. Beyond innovations in product lines and operational efficiency, Madaus says he wants “to make an impact on people’s lives so their habits change.” Millipore offers incentives for employee to use hybrid vehicles and to make their homes energy efficient, and encourages staff to come forward with ideas for sustainable living. “I wish we could make energy saving and eco-efficiency really cool and interesting; today it’s still viewed as a tool, a behavior change.” These small steps are just the start, and Madaus sees a 20% reduction in greenhouse gases as entirely feasible -- and not just at Millipore. “If anyone tells you it can’t be done because they’re growing their company, they’re full of it.”
关 键 词: 环境; 可持续发展; 企业
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2020-11-26:yxd
最后编审: 2020-11-26:yxd
阅读次数: 27