Comparing Orthographies in Space and Time through Lexicographic Resources[]通过词典资源比较时空拼字法

Comparing Orthographies in Space and Time through Lexicographic Resources[]通过词典资源比较时空拼字法
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/euralex2018_ore_orthographies/  
主讲教师: Christian-Emil Smith Ore
开课单位: 奥斯陆大学
开课时间: 2018-07-27
课程语种: 英语

许多语言都需要改进的事实基础,以便于计算机支持的语言变异和历时变化的分析。挪威学术词典的资料收藏为探索Bokmål的发展和变化提供了平台,Bokmål是源自丹麦的挪威书面标准,通过1901年至2005年的正字法改革而朝着挪威白话进行了修改。现代的发展应通过比较不同时期的语料库来分析贯穿用法的用法,并根据当时的拼字法对其进行定形。这意味着从时限拼字法中构建完整形式的寄存器。该计划正在通过对Bokmål的正字词典进行数字化处理而制定。字典通过Dictionary Hotel进行协调,Dictionary Hotel是卑尔根挪威语语言收藏馆中用于复古数字化词典和方言馆藏的电子存储库。在词汇项目级别,Bokmål和Nynorsk的资源通过Meta Dictionary(挪威词典的电子注册表)进行协调。普通条目需要使用一个词首形式加上词性(POS)的完整身份。初步结果确定了Bokmål的核心词汇表有6,900个词汇,自1938年以来没有变化。超过75,000个Meta Dictionary条目具有相同的形式以及POS的Bokmål和Nynorsk。当对Meta Dictionary的Bokmål附加内容进行质量控制时,这些数字将会增加。

课程简介: Many languages require an improved factual basis to facilitate computer-supported analysis of language variation and diachronic change. The material collections for the scholarly dictionaries of Norway serve as a platform for exploring the development and variation of Bokmål, the Norwegian written standard derived from Danish and modified towards the Norwegian vernacular through orthographic reforms that took place from 1901 to 2005. The development of modern Bokmål through usage should be analyzed by comparing corpora from different periods, lemmatized according to the then current orthography. This means building full form registers from time-bound orthographies. This plan is in process through digitizing orthographic dictionaries for Bokmål. The dictionaries are coordinated through the Dictionary Hotel, the electronic repository for retro digitized dictionaries and dialect collections at the Norwegian Language Collections, Bergen. At the lexical item level Bokmål and Nynorsk resources are coordinated through the Meta Dictionary, an electronic registry for the Norwegian lexicon. A common entry requires full identity in one headword form plus part-of-speech (POS). Preliminary results identify a core vocabulary for Bokmål of 6,900 lexical items, unchanged since 1938. More than 75,000 Meta Dictionary entries have a common identical form plus POS for Bokmål and Nynorsk. These numbers will increase when the Bokmål additions to the Meta Dictionary are quality controlled.
关 键 词: 语言变异; 电子存储库; 时空拼字法
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-02-13:cjy
最后编审: 2021-02-13:cjy
阅读次数: 45