
Slovenian Cinematheque, Vinegar Syndrome (On Problems of Film Tape Preservation)
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/MAOplastika2017_sicarov_slovenian_cinema...  
主讲教师: Nadja Šičarov
开课单位: 斯洛文尼亚基诺特卡
开课时间: 2017-04-20
课程语种: 英语
“电影是破坏动态图像的艺术,”保罗切奇乌赛说。尽管他声称,由于每次放映过程中所造成的损害,一部电影注定会退化,但这一判断也可能是指电影的物质形态造成的低可持续性。 这一点出现在各种历史断裂中,由于其化学结构,短寿命被证明是薄膜基底的内在特征。由于硝酸盐碱的高度易燃性,大量档案在毁灭性的大火中烧毁后,后者被三醋酸赛璐珞载体所取代,成为一种更可持续的介质。然而,在发现后不久,三醋酸盐碱开始显示出快速降解的迹象,伴随着酸性烟雾排放到降解物质周围的空气中。由此产生的独特气味有助于确定这一过程的腐朽醋综合征或疾病的三醋酸膜。这一过程是不可逆转和不可避免的——充其量只能通过在气候控制的保险库中保持适当的储存条件来减速。可以采取的主要行动是及时评估收集的状态,这可以用pH指示条进行,然后优化储存条件。如今,以三醋酯为基片的赛璐珞胶片代表了大量的运动图像收藏,醋症候群是影响众多视听遗产机构的一个关键问题。在不稳定状态下保存元素的解决方案之一是扫描和迁移到数字媒体。然而,在采取这一行动之前,必须先采取适当的保护战略。降解材料的长期保存只能通过评估降解状态和根据其状况对元素进行优先排序来保证。
课程简介: “Cinema is the art of moving image destruction,” says Paolo Cherchi Usai. Although he claims that a film is condemned to degradation due to the damage acquired during each projection, this judgement could also refer to the low sustainability of film, caused by its material form. This appeared in various historical ruptures, which have proved short life-span to be an immanent characteristic of the filmic base because of its chemical structure. After a big number of archives burned in devastating fires due to the high inflammability of the nitrate base, the latter was replaced by the triacetate celluloid carrier as a more sustainable medium. However, shortly after the discovery, the triacetate base started showing signs of rapid degradation accompanied by emissions of acid fumes into the air that surrounds the degraded material. The resulting distinctive smell contributed to terming this process of decay vinegar syndrome or the illness of triacetate film. The process is irreversible and inevitable – at best, it can only be decelerated by maintaining the proper storage conditions in climate controlled vaults. The main action that can be taken is the timely evaluation of the state of the collection, which can be performed with pH indicator strips and followed by the optimization of storage conditions. Nowadays, when celluloid film on triacetate base represents the large-scale portion of moving image collections, the vinegar syndrome is a critical issue that is affecting a great deal of audiovisual heritage institutions. One of the solutions for the preservation of elements in precarious state lies in scanning and migration to the digital medium. However, this action should not be taken without being preceded by the appropriate conservation strategies. The long-term preservation of degraded materials can only be assured by the assessment of the degradation state and prioritization of elements based on their condition. See Also:
关 键 词: 醋综合症; 数字媒体; 电影磁带保存
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-06-03:liyy
最后编审: 2021-06-03:liyy
阅读次数: 86