
Viral Marketing NetworkX
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/NTUcomplexity2017_ling_viral_marketing_n...  
主讲教师: Feng Ling
开课单位: 高性能计算研究所
开课时间: 2017-04-03
课程语种: 英语

NetworkX 提供图(或网络)的数据结构以及图算法、生成器和绘图工具。

NetworkX 的结构可以通过其源代码的组织方式看出。该包提供图形对象的类、创建标准图形的生成器、读取现有数据集的 IO 例程、分析结果网络的算法和一些基本绘图工具。

大多数 NetworkX API 由函数提供它将图形对象作为参数。图对象的方法仅限于基本操作和报告。这提供了代码和文档的模块化。它还使新手更容易分阶段了解该软件包。每个模块的源代码都旨在易于阅读,阅读此 Python 代码实际上是了解更多网络算法的好方法,但我们付出了很多努力使文档充分且友好。如果您有任何建议或问题,请加入 NetworkX Google 群组与我们联系。

类使用 CamelCase 命名(每个单词开头的大写字母)。函数、方法和变量名称为lower_case_underscore(小写,下划线表示单词之间的空格)。

课程简介: NetworkX provides data structures for graphs (or networks) along with graph algorithms, generators, and drawing tools. The structure of NetworkX can be seen by the organization of its source code. The package provides classes for graph objects, generators to create standard graphs, IO routines for reading in existing datasets, algorithms to analyse the resulting networks and some basic drawing tools. Most of the NetworkX API is provided by functions which take a graph object as an argument. Methods of the graph object are limited to basic manipulation and reporting. This provides modularity of code and documentation. It also makes it easier for newcomers to learn about the package in stages. The source code for each module is meant to be easy to read and reading this Python code is actually a good way to learn more about network algorithms, but we have put a lot of effort into making the documentation sufficient and friendly. If you have suggestions or questions please contact us by joining the NetworkX Google group. Classes are named using CamelCase (capital letters at the start of each word). functions, methods and variable names are lower_case_underscore (lowercase with an underscore representing a space between words).
关 键 词: 网络数据结构; 源代码; 图形对象
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-07-02:liyy
最后编审: 2021-07-02:liyy
阅读次数: 70