

Reinventing the Kennedy Center
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_kaiser_rkc/  
主讲教师: Michael Kaiser
开课单位: 肯尼迪表演艺术中心
开课时间: 2013-12-09
课程语种: 英语
经营一个引人注目的艺术组织可能是一种惩罚职业。1998年,当迈克尔·凯泽抵达伦敦接管财政状况不佳的皇家歌剧院时,一家报纸宣称他的任命是“自第二次世界大战炸弹袭击以来,科文特花园遭受的最严重灾难”。尽管公众对此进行了如此猛烈的抨击,凯泽在歌剧院实现了奇迹般的转变——就像他在其他大公司一样。凯撒目前的工作包括将肯尼迪中心改造成一个真正的国家目的地。 凯泽在意识到自己“糟糕透顶”后,放弃了成为一名职业歌手的梦想,并在金融咨询领域建立了成功的职业生涯。他寻找一种比金钱更有趣的产品,这使他回到了艺术领域。他发展了一个“咒语”来复兴濒临死亡的艺术机构:为了繁荣,提供“伟大的艺术,良好的市场营销” 凯泽抵达时,歌剧院的赤字为3000万美元,他解雇了300人——不是为了平衡账目,而是为了重新将组织的重点放在新的艺术项目和筹资机会上。随着政府资金的缩减,凯撒试图改变公众对歌剧院的看法。他创造了“如此激动人心的活动,以至于……英国的有钱人觉得他们必须参与”——并捐赠。在18个月内,他付清了赤字,并筹集了额外的4000万美元用于装修。 凯瑟说,在美国芭蕾舞剧院,他们“没有尖头鞋,为了省钱而拧开灯泡。”七年的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》让观众感到无聊。凯瑟说:“艺术行业扭转颓势的诀窍在于,除了舞台上的产品和营销方式外,你什么都要节省。”凯瑟指出,与其他行业不同,艺术行业“我们无法提高生产率”以应对成本上升。“每十年都会变得更加艰难,这意味着管理的复杂性必须提高。”
课程简介: Running a high-profile arts organization can be a punishing profession. When Michael Kaiser arrived in London to take over the financially ailing Royal Opera House in 1998, one newspaper declared that his appointment was “the worst disaster to hit Covent Garden since the bombs of World War 2.” In spite of nasty public swipes like this, Kaiser accomplished a miraculous turnaround at the Opera House – as he has at other major companies. Kaiser’s current work involves transforming the Kennedy Center into a truly national destination. Kaiser abandoned his dream of becoming a professional singer after realizing he was “just dreadful,” and built a successful career in financial consulting. His search for a more interesting product than money led him back to the arts. He developed a “mantra” for reviving near-moribund arts institutions: in order to thrive, provide “great art, well marketed.” At the Opera House, which was running a deficit of $30 million when he arrived, Kaiser laid off 300 people -- not to balance the books but to refocus the organization on new arts programs and fundraising opportunities. With shrinking government funding, Kaiser sought to change public perception of the Opera House. He created “such exciting events that …those of means in England felt they had to participate” -- and donate. Within 18 months, he had paid off the deficit and raised an additional $40 million for renovations. At the American Ballet Theater, Kaiser says, they had “no pointe shoes and were unscrewing the light bulbs to save money.” Seven years of “Romeo and Juliet” had left the audience bored. “The trick to turnaround in the arts,” says Kaiser, “is that you scrimp on everything but what goes on stage—your product—and the way you market it.” Unlike every other industry, Kaiser notes, in the arts “we can’t improve productivity” to counter rising costs. “Every decade gets harder, which means the sophistication of management has to get better.”
关 键 词: 肯尼迪中心; 歌剧院; 艺术行业
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-10-05:zkj
最后编审: 2021-10-08:zkj
阅读次数: 40