
3D printing biomaterials for regenerative medicine
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/ipssc2017_kocen_regenerative_medicine/  
主讲教师: Rok Kocen
开课单位: 约瑟夫·斯特凡研究所
开课时间: 2017-05-23
课程语种: 英语
在过去的几年里,3D打印或附加制造领域取得了许多进展,尤其是3D打印活体器官是一个热门话题。虽然直接打印活体器官(目前)还不可能,但组织工程领域的研究人员正在使用生物相容性材料打印3D结构,也称为支架。这些支架与干细胞一起使用,并放置在生物反应器或患者体内,在那里器官或组织可以生长。用于此类应用的材料必须具有生物相容性、可生物降解性,并提供合适的条件来容纳细胞。最重要的是,材料应该是“可打印的”。 我们一直在研究结冷胶复合材料,该复合材料作为支架材料显示出良好的效果1。结冷胶样品是将热的聚合物溶液倒入模具中,溶液在模具中冷却并形成水凝胶。结冷胶2的流变学研究表明,我们可以通过改变Ca2+离子的数量来定制凝胶。加入Ca2+离子将提高凝胶温度,并增加初始溶液的粘度(弹性)。Ca2+离子可以以CaCl2的形式添加,或通过在结冷胶溶液中溶解生物活性玻璃(BAG)颗粒添加。 一种称为“熔融沉积建模”(FDM)的特定类型的3D打印技术被选为最合适的。这种技术的工作原理是一层一层地添加通常是长丝形式的材料。由于结冷胶不能制成细丝,我们不得不修改打印机来打印它。其想法是将结冷胶悬浮液保持在注射器中的高温,然后当其从注射器针头中流出时冷却(见图1)。通过调整注射器中的温度、改变Ca2+离子的数量、在喷嘴处添加强制冷却等,我们可以大幅提高打印能力。
课程简介: There have been many advances in the field of 3D printing or additive manufacturing in the last years, and particularly 3D printing living organs is a hot topic. While directly printing living organ is not (yet) possible, researchers in the field of tissue engineering are using biocompatible materials to print 3D structures also known as scaffolds. These scaffolds are used together with stem cells and placed into a bioreactor or in a patient, where the organ or tissue can grow. Materials for such applications have to be biocompatible, biodegradable and provide appropriate conditions to house cells. On top of that, the material should be ‘printable’. We have been working with gellan gum composites that showed promising results as a scaffold material1. Gellan gum samples are made by pouring hot polymer solution into a mould, where the solution cools down and gels into a hydrogel. Rheological studies of gellan gum2 showed how we can tailor gelation by changing the amount of Ca2+ ions. Addition of Ca2+ ions will increase temperature of gelation as well as increase the visco(elasti)city of the initial solution. Ca2+ ions can be added in the form of CaCl2 or by dissolution of bioactive glass (BAG) particles in the gellan gum solution. A specific type of 3D printing technique called ‘fused deposition modelling’ (FDM) was chosen as the most appropriate. This technique works by adding layer by layer of material that is usually in a form of a filament. Since gellan gum could not be made into a filament, we had to modify the printer to print it. The idea was to keep the suspension of gellan gum hot in a syringe, which would then cool down as it exits from the syringe needle (see Figure 1). By adjusting temperature in the syringe, changing the amount of Ca2+ ions, adding forced cooling at the nozzle, etc. we can drastically improve printing capabilities.
关 键 词: 3D打印; 生物相容性材料; 支架
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2022-02-21:zkj
最后编审: 2022-02-21:zkj
阅读次数: 22