
Biological and Bioinspired Nanostructured Materials: Basic Physics and Applications
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/kolokviji_rosenman_nanostructured/  
主讲教师: Gil Rosenman
开课单位: 特拉维夫大学
开课时间: 2011-11-07
课程语种: 英语
蛋白质和肽等基本生物单位自组装成天然的生物纳米结构, 如蛋白质纤维和淀粉样纤维 (af)。另一类纳米材料是人造生物激发材料, 由化学合成的生物分子组成, 可以自组装成纳米管 (pnt)、纳米球、水凝胶等。af 和 pnt 是超分子组合, 由纳米尺度上高度有序的结晶子单元组成, 具有独特的固有物理性质, 如量子封闭现象或非对称空间结构和极性介电性能。讲座将重点讨论生物和生物启发纳米结构的基本物理性质、新型生物启发纳米材料的发展及其在纳米光子学、纳米医学和纳米光致细胞材料中的应用。
课程简介: Elementary biological units such as proteins and peptides self-assemble into natural biological nanostructures such as protein fibers and amyloid fibrils (AF). Another class of nanomaterials is man-made bioinspired materials, which are composed from chemically synthesized biomolecules and can self assemble into nanotubes (PNT), nanospheres, hydrogels, etc. AF and PNT are supramolecular ensembles, which are built-up from crystallized subunits highly ordered at the nanoscale and possessing unique intrinsic physical properties, such as quantum confined phenomena or asymmetric space structure and polar dielectric properties. The Lecture will be focused on basic physical properties of biological and bioinspired nanostructures, development of novel generation of bioinspired nanomaterials and their applications in nanophotonics, nanomedicine and nanobiopiezotronics.
关 键 词: 蛋白质和肽的基本生物结构; 人造纳米材料的仿生材料; 新一代纳米光子学
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-04:张荧(课程编辑志愿者)
阅读次数: 51