
Beyond recorded lectures
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/emergingtrends2012_young_lectures/  
主讲教师: Clive P L Young
开课单位: 伦敦大学学院
开课时间: 2012-11-23
课程语种: 英语
尽管视频和媒体已经在教育中使用了几十年,但它突然成为主流,尽管越来越多地使用机构“演讲捕获”系统。越来越多的大学和学院正在录制他们的现场讲座,然后把它们放到网上,作为支持校内和校外学生的一种方式。现在,在讲座捕获系统、播客、多媒体讲座剧场、i-tunes u和流媒体服务方面有大量的部门投资。作为虚拟校园日益核心的组成部分,视频还可以实现更好的远程学习、营销,并且常常是重要趋势(如Moocs和翻转学习设计)的主要组成部分。因此,从技术和概念上讲,课堂捕获正在迅速发展。曾经被视为被动记录方法的方法现在被视为更具参与性和以学生为中心的模式的推动者,以及扩大学院全球影响力的方法。本课程将探讨这些趋势,并将其与伊拉斯谟REC制定的新的学术模式联系起来:所有项目(为学习而录制和增加讲座)。
课程简介: Although video and media have been used in education for many decades it has suddenly come mainstream though the growing use of institutional ‘lecture capture’ systems. More and more universities and colleges are recording their live lectures and then putting them online as a way to support both on and off campus students. There is now a significant sector investment in lecture capture systems, podcasts, multimedia lecture theatres, i-Tunes U and streaming services. As an increasingly core component of the virtual campus, video also enables better distance learning, marketing and is often the main component of important trends such as MOOCs and ‘flipped’ learning designs. Lecture capture is therefore rapidly evolving both technologically and conceptually. What was once seen as a passive recording method is now seen as an enabler of more participative and student-centred models and a way of extending the global reach of the academy. The session will explore these trends and relate them to the new academic models of lecture capture being mapped out by the Erasmus REC:all project (Recording and augmenting lectures for learning).
关 键 词: 远程学习; 虚拟校园; 录制演讲
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2021-02-04:nkq
阅读次数: 44