
Mission Control Operations
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_kraft_operations/  
主讲教师: Christopher C. Kraft Jr.
开课单位: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
开课时间: 2012-07-31
课程语种: 英语
关于本次讲座,Chris Kraft成功地在一次活动中展示了工程案例研究的终极成果,以及20世纪太空飞行任务的内部人士历史,以及航空航天学生的一次鼓舞士气的演讲。这位直率的朗诵者描述了最早的太空先驱所面临的挑战。他的故事始于20世纪50年代的“水星计划”,该计划由35人组成的空间工作组包括8名秘书。卡夫回忆说:“我们是有能力的人,但对如何在太空飞行一无所知。”他们将如何与在轨的人沟通,或评估他的健康状况?大多数医生认为,当宇航员离开地球大气层时,“他会是一个暴跳如雷的白痴”。那时的空对地通信由20个电传打字机组成。“在这种情况下,您如何做出实时决策?卡夫沉思着。他自豪地描述了组装任务规则手册“可能是我们做过的最聪明的事情”,试图解决太空任务中所有可能出现的故障。卡夫说,这是系统工程的早期例子。当肯尼迪总统要求美国宇航局在20世纪60年代末将一个人送上月球时,“克里斯·卡夫不知道如何从卡纳维拉尔角30秒的雷达中确定轨道力学。我觉得总统有点傻。”突然间,出现了一系列新的问题,例如如何确保瞄准月球的飞船不只是撞到它。在双子座和阿波罗计划中,卡夫的团队解决了无数令人叹为观止的难题。“我们在裤子旁边做了很多事情,因为我们不知道其他的方法。“我们是通过感觉,通过观察过去和以正确的方式做事来做到的。”卡夫对当前的太空探索状况有一些苛刻的说法。他不能支持美国宇航局放弃航天飞机。“在这个国家,我们似乎有一个很好的倾向,那就是创造一些精彩、伟大和高性能的东西,然后扔掉它…。Golly,我妈妈会疯的!“他认为,美国国家航空航天局本可以使航天飞机更高效地飞行,并将其作为重返月球和火星的新竞赛的关键元素。卡夫不相信这项计划会成功,主要是因为美国宇航局在25年内没有建造任何新的项目,而且他们忘记了要做什么。下一次太空任务,不管结果如何,都将取决于当前年轻的航天工程师。“去做吧,不要害怕失败,”卡夫告诫道。“你从失败中学到的比从成功中学到的更多。”
课程简介: About the Lecture Chris Kraft manages to present in a single event the ultimate in engineering case studies, as well as an insider’s history of 20th century space missions and a pep talk for AeroAstro students. This blunt raconteur describes the challenges of the earliest space pioneers. His story begins with Project Mercury in the 1950s, whose space task group of 35 included eight secretaries. “We were capable people but didn’t know a damn thing about how to fly in space,” recalls Kraft. How would they communicate with a man in orbit, or assess his health? Most doctors thought when an astronaut left earth’s atmosphere, “he’d be a blithering idiot.” Air to ground communication in those days consisted of 20 words of teletype. “How do you make real time decisions in those circumstances?” muses Kraft. He proudly describes assembling the Mission Rules book, “probably the smartest thing we ever did,” which attempted to address all conceivable malfunctions on a space mission. This was an early example of systems engineering, says Kraft. When President Kennedy challenged NASA to get a man on the moon by the end of the 1960s, “Chris Kraft did not know how to determine orbital mechanics from 30 seconds of radar at Cape Canaveral. I thought the president was a little daft.” Suddenly, there were a whole new set of problems, such as how to make sure a craft aimed at the moon did not just hit it. In the Gemini and then Apollo programs, Kraft’s team solved innumerable and breathtakingly difficult issues. “We did a lot of things by the seat of our pants because we didn’t know any other way. We did it by feel, by having seen the past and doing things the right way.” Kraft has some harsh words for the current state of space exploration. He can’t countenance NASA’s abandoning the space shuttle. “We seem to have a great propensity in this country for building something wonderful, great and high performance and throwing it away….Golly, my mother would have gone bananas!” He believes that NASA could have made the shuttle much more efficient to fly, and used it as a key element in the new race back to the Moon and to Mars. Kraft doesn’t believe this program will get off the ground—mainly because NASA hasn’t built anything new in 25 years, “and they’ve forgotten what it takes to do it.” The next space mission, whatever it turns out to be, will depend on the current crop of young aerospace engineers. “Go do it, don’t be frightened to fail,” exhorts Kraft. “You learn more from your failures than from your successes.”
关 键 词: 科学; 空间; 工程; 技术
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-06:yumf
阅读次数: 46