
Noninvasive Imaging in Biology and Medicine
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/nuclear-engineering/22-56j-noninvasive...  
主讲教师: Prof. Alan Jasanoff
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2005-01-01
课程语种: 英语
22.56J 旨在为研究生和高级本科生提供无创成像方法在生物学和医学中的理论和应用背景,重点是神经成像。该课程侧重于科学研究中最常用的模式(X射线CT、PET / SPECT、MRI和光学成像),并包括讨论与这些扫描方法结合使用的分子成像方法。教授的讲座将辅以对研究问题的课堂讨论和成像系统的动手演示。
课程简介: 22.56J aims to give graduate students and advanced undergraduates background in the theory and application of noninvasive imaging methods to biology and medicine, with emphasis on neuroimaging. The course focuses on the modalities most frequently used in scientific research (X-ray CT, PET/SPECT, MRI, and optical imaging), and includes discussion of molecular imaging approaches used in conjunction with these scanning methods. Lectures by the professor will be supplemented by in-class discussions of problems in research, and hands-on demonstrations of imaging systems.
关 键 词: 生物学医学; 光学成像; 分子成像; 成像系统
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
最后编审: 2024-05-27:chenjy
阅读次数: 42