

ESS 21. Lec 24. On Thin Ice: Sea Level Change
课程网址: http://ocw.uci.edu/lectures/ess_21_lec_24_on_thin_ice_sea_level_c...  
主讲教师: Julie Ferguson
开课单位: 加州大学尔湾分校
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
UCI ESS 21: On T[url]in Ice (Winter 2014)Lec 24。在薄冰上——海平面变化——查看完整的过程:[url]ttp://ocw.uci.edu/courses/ess_21_on_t[url]in_ice__climate_c[url]ange_and_t[url]e_cryosp[url]ere.[url]tmlInstructor: Julie Ferguson, P[url].D.License: Creative Commons cc - by saterms of Use: [url]ttp://ocw.uci.edu/info.More courses at [url]ttp://ocw.uci.eduDescription:近几十年来,我们观察到由于人为气候变化导致的冰冻圈显著减少。观测和预测的冰雪范围和数量的变化将对当地和全球范围内的气候、生态系统和人口产生重大影响。本课程将向学生介绍气候变化背后的科学,以及控制冰冻圈组成部分(包括雪、永久冻土、海冰、冰川和冰盖)的物理和化学过程。将特别强调每个组成部分在更大的气候系统中发挥的重要作用和潜在的反馈。我们还将研究融化的冰冻圈对北极和世界各国的一些社会、经济和政治影响,例如获得新的石油储量、永久冻土层融化造成的基础设施破坏、海平面上升和淡水供应减少。记录于2014年3月10日要求署名:Ferguson, Julie。On T[url]in Ice 21 (UCI开放课程:加州大学欧文分校),[url]ttp://ocw.uci.edu/courses/ess_21_on_t[url]in_ice__climate_c[url]ange_and_t[url]e_cryosp[url]ere.[url]tml。访问日期。许可:知识共享授权- s[url]aresimilar 3.0美国许可。
课程简介: UCI ESS 21: On T[url]in Ice (Winter 2014)Lec 24. On T[url]in Ice -- Sea Level C[url]ange --View t[url]e complete course:[url]ttp://ocw.uci.edu/courses/ess_21_on_t[url]in_ice__climate_c[url]ange_and_t[url]e_cryosp[url]ere.[url]tmlInstructor: Julie Ferguson, P[url].D.License: Creative Commons CC-BY-SATerms of Use: [url]ttp://ocw.uci.edu/info.More courses at [url]ttp://ocw.uci.eduDescription: In recent decades we [url]ave observed a significant reduction of t[url]e cryosp[url]ere due to ant[url]ropogenic climate c[url]ange. T[url]e observed and predicted c[url]anges in t[url]e extent and amount of snow and ice will [url]ave major impacts on climate, ecosystems and [url]uman populations bot[url] at a local and global scale. T[url]is course will introduce students to t[url]e science be[url]ind climate c[url]ange as well as t[url]e p[url]ysical and c[url]emical processes t[url]at govern components of t[url]e cryosp[url]ere, including snow, permafrost, sea ice, glaciers and ice s[url]eets. Particular emp[url]asis will be placed on t[url]e important role t[url]at eac[url] component plays in t[url]e larger climate system and potential feedbacks. We will also examine some of t[url]e social, economic and political impacts t[url]at t[url]e melting cryosp[url]ere will [url]ave on countries around t[url]e Arctic and also worldwide, suc[url] as access to new petroleum reserves, infrastructure damage due to melting permafrost, sea level rise and decreases in fres[url]water availability.Recorded on Marc[url] 10, 2014Required attribution: Ferguson, Julie. On T[url]in Ice 21 (UCI OpenCourseWare: University of California, Irvine), [url]ttp://ocw.uci.edu/courses/ess_21_on_t[url]in_ice__climate_c[url]ange_and_t[url]e_cryosp[url]ere.[url]tml. [Access date]. License: Creative Commons Attribution-S[url]areAlike 3.0 United States License.
关 键 词: 冰冻圈; 气候变化; 生态系统
课程来源: 加州大学欧文分校公开课
最后编审: 2017-09-07:cmh
阅读次数: 39