
Narratives of Science
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_kanigel_levenson_lightman_narsc...  
主讲教师: Thomas Levenson, Robert Kanigel, Alan Lightman
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2010-06-10
课程语种: 英语
罗伯特·卡尼格尔提出了这个小组的核心问题:“讲故事的快车离开了车站。我们是想跳上船,还是在某些情况下,保持原状?“科学写作已成熟为一门学科和流派,对许多作家而言,这意味着讲述一个故事,其中Kanigel所描述的是一个叙事弧:一门大炮通过文本推动你,因为读者渴望知道接下来会发生什么。“这意味着某种线性运动,无论作者关注的是”最小的原子单位“还是更大的画布。但是Kanigel想知道“在我们不想要故事的情况下”。 托马斯·莱文森(Thomas Levenson)回答说:“你可以在理解科学作为人类活动的道路上走很长一段路而不会有故事。”他提供了一个作家的例子,他在日记中记录了一年的实验 - Levenson描述了什么作为“科学旅行者”。但是从他作为记者的早期经历中,莱文森发现“科学产生了某种知识,但科学的活动在科学中形成,并由科学以外的世界塑造。”所以他带来了包括爱因斯坦在内的历史性解释方法。 Levenson说:“你可以从你想要的故事中获得意义,而不是要求人们从偶然的事实中提取意义。” 艾伦·莱特曼思考科学在小说,戏剧和电影中的作用。他在叙述中提供了几个关于科学的“扣人心弦”讨论的例子,比如Michael Ondaatje的小说“The English Patient”和Michael Frayn的戏剧“哥本哈根”。这些作者避免使用“通过讨论驱动我们的运动”的教学法。但是,非常流行的科学传记类型证明成功推进更为棘手。 “在科学领域,将生活与生活交织起来更具挑战性,因为生活处理无生命,”莱特曼说。
课程简介: Robert Kanigel poses the central question of this panel: “The storytelling express is leaving the station. Do we want to jump aboard, or under some circumstances, stay where we are?” Science writing has matured as a discipline and genre, and for many writers, this means telling a story with what Kanigel describes as “a narrative arc: a cannon propelling you through a text, because of readers’ eagerness to know what’s happening next.” This implies some kind of linear movement, whether the writer focuses on “the smallest atomic unit” or a larger canvas. But Kanigel wonders if “there are circumstances when we don’t want stories.” Thomas Levenson responds, “You can go a long way down the path of understanding science as a human activity without getting a story.” He offers the example of a writer who keeps a diary of a year spent in a laboratory -- what Levenson describes as “science travelogues.” But from his early experiences as a journalist, Levenson has found that “Science produces a certain kind of knowledge, but the activity of science takes shape within and is shaped by the world beyond science.” So he brings an historical, interpretative method to bear on his subjects, including Einstein. Says Levenson, “You get to make meaning out of the story you want rather than asking people to extract meaning out of a happenstance of facts.” Alan Lightman ponders the role of science in novels, theatre and film. He offers several examples of “gripping and suspenseful” discussions of science within narratives, such as Michael Ondaatje’s novel, The English Patient and Michael Frayn’s play, Copenhagen. These authors avoid the didactic with a “motor that drives us through discussion.” But the very popular genre of science biography proves trickier to propel successfully. “In science, it’s more of a challenge to intertwine work with life because life deals with the inanimate,” says Lightman.
关 键 词: 科学写作; 叙事弧; 科学传记类型
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-03:cjy
阅读次数: 54