

Alternative Models Of Differential Pricing For Medicines
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_philipson_meeker_ryan_danzon_ke...  
主讲教师: Tomas J. Philipson, David Meeker, Hannah E. Kettler, Patricia M. Danzon, Una Ryan
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-03-20
课程语种: 英语
该小组的每位发言者都提出了一种解决普遍负担药物问题的独特方法。 David Meeker博士在罕见疾病领域工作。 Genzyme对戈谢病的激素替代疗法在全球范围内影响大约3万人,每年花费15万至20万美元。对于医疗保健系统较差的国家的患者,Genzyme对该药物进行了大幅折扣。 “不要说免费毒品,”米克说。 “我们将尽最大努力帮助个别患者,但我们将努力在该国开发最终能够接管的医疗保健系统。”在Avant Immunotherapeutics,Una Ryan的公司为旅行者提供新疫苗,生物防御,全球健康和食品安全用途。她说:“我们正在尝试制造人们实际需要的疫苗:安全,有效,口服,单剂量,快速保护和不制冷。”她说,涉及巨大的开发成本,这对小公司来说很难承受。也许,“所有发达的国家应该付出公平的份额为制药R&d ...并为发展中国家的药物,”索引药品价格每个国家的GDP.Patricia丹泽表明,药品生产企业在统一的价格卖给“产品批发商全世界,那么谈判机密回扣最终购买者......这样,向低收入国家提供的较低价格不会溢出到高收入国家。“Hannah Kettler描述了盖茨基金会在公私合作伙伴关系中投入资金以降低药品研发成本的努力。该基金会还试图建立一个基金,以支付发展中国家的疫苗接种费用。她说,我们的期望是“如果我们现在支付更高的价格,供应将会扩大,随着时间的推移,疫苗的价格会下降。”
课程简介: Each speaker on this panel proposes a unique approach to the problem of making medicines universally affordable. Dr. David Meeker works in the area of rare diseases. Genzyme’s hormone replacement therapy for Gaucher disease, which affects roughly 30 thousand globally, costs $150k to $200k per year. For patients in nations with poor health care systems, Genzyme discounts the medicine steeply. “Don’t say free drugs,” says Meeker. “We’ll help individual patients as best we can but we’re going to work on developing a health care system in that country that will eventually be able to take over.” At Avant Immunotherapeutics, Una Ryan’s company tackles new vaccines for travelers, bio-defense, global health and food safety uses. “We’re trying to making vaccines people will actually take: safe, effective, oral, single dose, rapid protection and no refrigeration.” There are enormous development costs involved, which are hard for a small company to shoulder, she says. Perhaps “all developed nations should pay their fair share for pharma R&D…and for developing countries’ drugs,” indexing drug prices to each nation’s GDP. Patricia Danzon suggests that drug manufacturers sell “products to wholesalers at uniform prices worldwide, then negotiate confidential rebates with final purchasers... This way, the lower prices offered to lower income countries won’t spill over to higher income countries.” Hannah Kettler describes the Gates Foundation’s efforts to invest funds in public-private partnerships to reduce pharmaceutical RD costs. The foundation is also trying to build a fund to cover the costs of vaccinating in developing countries. Our expectation, she says, “is that if we pay the higher prices now, supply will expand and over time the price of vaccines will come down.”
关 键 词: 激素替代疗法; 疫苗; 药品的差异化定价
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-06-11:yuh
阅读次数: 51