
Opening the Mind’s Eye - Learning to See
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_sinha_ome/  
主讲教师: Pawan Sinha
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2010-08-12
课程语种: 英语
很少有研究能同时促进基础科学的发展并为人们的生活带来好处,但帕万·辛哈的项目普拉卡什恰恰做到了这一点。作为人类视觉处理的研究者,辛哈对这些大脑机制如何发展很感兴趣。在他的研究中,辛哈意识到理想的研究对象应该是那些失明后失明的人。由于他无法在伦理上创造出这样一个实验群体,他不得不“依靠自然实验”——天生失明但视力恢复的儿童。 辛哈在他的祖国印度发现了这些研究对象,印度是世界上盲人儿童数量最多的国家,超过一百万。他们是维生素A缺乏症、先天性白内障、缺乏或糟糕的医疗护理的受害者。但辛哈的研究突出表明,这些失明的儿童中有许多是可以治疗的。他瞥见了一个人道主义和科学的机会,普拉卡什项目(梵语为光)诞生了。 从几年前开始,辛哈和他的团队开始在一些村庄里对失明儿童进行筛查,以确定可以治疗的失明病例,并对他们的疾病进行治疗。最近,他得到了医院和盲人学校的支持,帮助了更多的儿童。他开始建立一个试验群体。对这一独特群体的研究使人们对视觉的发展产生了许多独到的见解,并动摇了一些主要的科学教条。辛哈发现,在多年没有视觉刺激的情况下,这些儿童的大脑可以处理大量涌入的新信息,这对大脑发育早期关键期的概念提出了挑战。他发现,那些曾经仅仅通过触摸了解物体的患者,一旦获得了视力,就可以通过简单的观察来识别同样的物体。 辛哈还深入研究了视觉整合的机制——我们的大脑如何理解包含不同颜色、光照和图案的视觉线索。他了解到,新视力的患者很难解析重叠的图像(如三角形、正方形、圆形),但移动这些图像会神奇地引发识别。研究结果在所有年龄段都是一致的,并且表明视觉获得的早期阶段包括以支离破碎的方式观察世界,损害识别能力,并且运动线索对于有意义地将图片组合在一起至关重要,为视觉学习提供了“关键的引导功能” Prakesh项目儿童所经历的各种整合困难让我们想起自闭症儿童的类似困难,他们的动作处理似乎也存在缺陷,辛哈现在正在寻找一个可能的“自闭症因果链”,它会导致自闭症的毁灭性社会障碍——这是一条可能有一天会产生新疗法的研究路径。
课程简介: It’s rare to find research that simultaneously advances basic science and brings good into people’s lives, but Pawan Sinha’s Project Prakash does precisely that. An investigator of human visual processing, Sinha is interested in how these brain mechanisms develop. For his work, Sinha realized the ideal subjects would be individuals who developed sight after blindness. Since he could not ethically create such an experimental population, he had to “rely on natural experiments” -- children born blind, but who recovered their vision. Sinha found these subjects in his native India, which has the world’s highest number of blind children -- more than one million. They are victims of Vitamin A deficiency, congenital cataracts, and absent or atrocious medical care. But salient to Sinha’s research, many of these blind children could be treated. He glimpsed a humanitarian and scientific opportunity, and Project Prakash (Sanskrit for light) was born. Starting a few years ago, Sinha and his team began screening blind children in a few villages to identify cases of treatable blindness, and remedy their disorders. More recently, he’s gained support from hospitals and schools for the blind, reaching many more children. He began to establish a test population. Research on this unique group has yielded many original insights into the development of vision, and shaken some major scientific dogmas. Sinha found that after years without visual stimuli, the brains of these children could process new information flooding in -- challenging the notion of early critical periods in brain development. He discovered that patients who once learned about objects simply via touch could, once they gained sight, identify the same objects simply by looking at them. Sinha has also delved into the mechanisms of visual integration -- how our brains make sense of visual cues containing diverse colors, illumination, and patterns. He’s learned that newly sighted patients have difficulty parsing overlapping images (such as triangles, squares, circles), but moving these images around magically sparks recognition. Research results are consistent across all ages, and show that early stages of sight acquisition involve seeing the world in a fragmented way, compromising recognition, and that motion cues are critical for putting pictures together meaningfully, serving “a critical bootstrapping function for visual learning.” The kinds of integrative difficulties experienced by Project Prakesh children bring to mind similar difficulties in autistic children, for whom motion processing also seems to be deficient, and Sinha is now seeking a possible “causal chain in autism” that leads to the disorder’s devastating social impairments -- a research path that might someday yield new therapies.
关 键 词: 脑机制; 维生素A; 疾病
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2020-12-14:yxd
最后编审: 2021-09-15:zyk
阅读次数: 33