
Media Literacy in the Age of Deepfakes
课程网址: https://ocw.mit.edu/resources/res-cms-001-media-literacy-in-the-a...  
主讲教师: Prof. Joshua Glick; Prof. D. Fox Harrell
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2021-03-01
课程语种: 英语
深度造假时代的媒体素养旨在使学生具备批判性技能,以便更好地理解过去和当代错误信息的威胁。学生们将学习分析新出现的错误信息形式的不同方法,如“deepfake”视频,以及如何利用新技术创造一个更加公正和公平的社会。本模块由三个相互连接的部分组成。我们首先对一些与错误信息相关的关键术语进行定义和上下文分析。然后,我们将重点放在我们的媒体环境中深度假货的扩散上。最后,我们探索了公益合成媒体,包括面向讽刺、调查纪录片和公共历史的人工智能项目。在发生月球灾难的情况下,一个关于阿波罗11号登月“失败”的获奖艺术装置是一个中心案例研究。 本学习模块还包括一套教育家资源,包括教学大纲、参考书目和设计提示。我们鼓励教师利用和调整这些资源,用于自己的课堂。
课程简介: Media Literacy in the Age of Deepfakes aims to equip students with the critical skills to better understand the past and contemporary threat of misinformation. Students will learn about different ways to analyze emerging forms of misinformation such as "deepfake" videos as well as how new technologies can be used to create a more just and equitable society. This module consists of three interconnected sections. We begin by defining and contextualizing some key terms related to misinformation. We then focus on the proliferation of deepfakes within our media environment. Lastly, we explore synthetic media for the civic good, including AI-enabled projects geared towards satire, investigative documentary, and public history. In Event of Moon Disaster, an award-winning deepfake art installation about the "failed" Apollo 11 moon landing, serves as a central case study. This learning module also includes a suite of educator resources that consists of a syllabus, bibliography, and design prompts. We encourage teachers to draw on and adapt these resources for the purposes of their own classes.
关 键 词: 批判性技能; 公益合成媒体; 媒体素养
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
数据采集: 2021-09-28:nkq
最后编审: 2021-09-28:nkq
阅读次数: 68