
CrackBerrys: Exploring the Social Implications of Wireless Email Devices
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_yates_crackberrys/  
主讲教师: JoAnne Yates
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2014-01-06
课程语种: 英语
快速发展的经理们发现,他们最珍视的高科技产品实际上可能是他们最大的敌人。乔安妮·耶茨回顾了最近关于人类和黑莓之间不断演变、功能失调的关系的研究。据耶茨说,对一家公司的深入了解,加上48小时的黑莓电子邮件日志和配偶访谈,揭示了许多悖论。其中最关键的一点是,据报道,许多用户对一种能够全天候将他们与工作联系起来的设备充满了热情,这种设备可以每隔几分钟发送一次需要处理的警报。耶茨和她的同事们观察了这家公司,这家公司已经使用黑莓手机四年了,并发现了一些典型的模式:人们经常查看信息,但往往是成批回复,而不是立即回复(除非有紧急需要)。黑莓手机曾在周末的足球赛、交响乐团以及一个不幸的家庭中使用,在那里,配偶不喜欢黑莓手机无处不在,“在一个关着门的浴室里” 耶茨发现,黑莓骑师之间存在着许多相互矛盾的反应:用户感觉自己既被源源不断的信息所控制,又被自己在“发信息”时不做出反应的能力所控制。还有一个“压力悖论”,即黑莓用户保持不断的联系,以“不错过正在发生的事情”但随着时间的推移,即使是在度假时,也无法脱离该设备。配偶们发现他们的伴侣被一直存在的黑莓手机分散了注意力,有时甚至无法使用(有些人提到凌晨3点醒来发现他们的伴侣在查看信息)。总之,耶茨说,与黑莓的互动切断了用户与家庭和非工作活动的真实外部世界的联系。 耶茨还说,虽然黑莓手机可以提高工作效率和自主性,但它“改变了人们对可用性的期望”。当公司里的每个人都有一部黑莓手机作为固定伴侣时,在晚上和其他停工时间发送信息的诱惑就会增加。“对黑莓的承诺和依赖不断升级,期望和待命感不断上升。”工作日简直没有尽头。 耶茨建议个人和组织将黑莓放在适当的位置,以缓解使用黑莓带来的压力、上瘾和脱离感。制定所有人都必须遵守的规则,例如禁止在会议期间使用黑莓手机,并取消凌晨3点的电子邮件。“如果你是失眠症患者,发送电子邮件,但批量和保留,在早上7点发送,”耶茨建议。
课程简介: Fast-moving managers are finding that their most cherished high-tech gadget may actually be their worst enemy. JoAnne Yates reviews recent research into the evolving, dysfunctional affair between human and Blackberry. An in-depth glimpse at one company, complete with 48-hour Blackberry email logs and spouse interviews reveals a number of paradoxes, according to Yates. Key among them is the reported passion many users feel for a device that can connect them to their work 24/7, a device that can send alerts every few minutes that something needs to be dealt with. Yates and her colleagues looked at this firm,which had racked up four years of Blackberry usage, and found some typical patterns: People checked for messages quite frequently, but tended to respond in batches, and not immediately (unless the need was urgent). Blackberrys were used at weekend soccer games, at the symphony, and in one unhappy home, where a spouse didn’t enjoy its pervasive presence, “in a bathroom with the door closed.” Yates found a number of contradictory responses among Blackberry jockeys: Users felt both controlled by the constant flood of messages, and in control via their power to not respond when ‘messaged.’ There’s also the “stress paradox,” where Blackberry users stay in constant contact so as to “not miss something that’s blowing up,” but over time find it impossible ever to disengage from the device, even on vacation. Spouses found their partners distracted and sometimes disabled by the ever-present Blackberry (some mentioned waking up at 3 a.m. to find their partners checking for messages). In sum, says Yates, interaction with Blackberrys cuts users off from the real outside world of families and non-work activities. And, says Yates, while the Blackberry may facilitate workplace efficiency and autonomy, it “shifts expectations of availability.” When everyone in a firm keeps a Blackberry as constant companion, the temptation to send messages during evening and other downtime hours grows. There is “escalating commitment and dependence on the Blackberry, a spiral of expectations and feeling constantly on call.” The work day simply has no end. Yates’ recommended antidote to the stress, addiction and disengagement that can accompany Blackberry use is for individuals and organizations to put the Blackberry in its place. Establish rules all must follow, such as outlawing Blackberrys during meetings and eliminating 3 a.m. emails. “If you’re an insomniac, do email, but batch and hold, send them at 7 a.m.,” suggests Yates.
关 键 词: 高科技产品; 电子邮件; 信息
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-12-04:zkj
最后编审: 2021-12-04:zkj
阅读次数: 38