

Lecture 8: Friction
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mit801f99_lewin_lec08/  
主讲教师: Walter H. G. Lewin
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2008-10-10
课程语种: 英语
** 1。正常力和摩擦力:** Lewin教授从水平表面上的静止块开始,描述了法向力,使块移动时必须克服的最大摩擦力以及静摩擦系数。一旦块被移动并开始滑动,您将遇到较小的动摩擦系数。 ** 2。静摩擦系数的测量:**考虑在倾斜平面上静止的块,并增加倾斜直到块刚刚开始滑动。通过测量此倾斜角度,您可以计算静摩擦系数。摩擦系数仅取决于接触的材料;它独立于滑动物体的质量而与其表面积无关(这是非常不直观的)。 ** 3。另一种测量摩擦力的方法:**系统由倾斜平面上的块组成。该块由与块体连接的第二块体抵消,该块体具有无质量的绳索和近无质量,无摩擦的滑轮。摩擦力的方向取决于斜坡上的挡块是想要上坡还是下坡或保持静止。通过增加第二个质量直到倾斜上方的块上坡,您可以测量静摩擦系数。 ** 4。减少摩擦的方法 - 跳蚤是有益的!**减少摩擦的场景包括水上飞机和空中轨道。如果摩擦接近零,即使是跳蚤也可以移动一本非常重的书(如图所示)。
课程简介: **1. Normal and Frictional Forces:** Starting with a block at rest on a horizontal surface, Professor Lewin describes the normal force, the maximum frictional force that must be overcome to budge the block, and the coefficient of static friction. Once the block is budged and begins to slide, you encounter a smaller coefficient of kinetic friction. **2. Measurements of the Coefficient of Static Friction:** Consider a block at rest on an inclined plane, and increase the tilt until the block just starts to slide. By measuring this tilt angle you can calculate the coefficient of static friction. The friction coefficient only depends on the materials in contact; it is independent of the mass of a sliding object and independent of its surface area (this is rather non-intuitive). **3. Another Way to Measure Friction:** The system consists of a block on an inclined plane. The block is counterbalanced by a second mass connected to the block with a massless string and a near massless, frictionless, pulley. The direction of the frictional force depends on whether the block on the incline wants to move uphill or downhill or stay at rest. By increasing the second mass until the block on the incline budges uphill, you can measure the coefficient of static friction. **4. Ways to Reduce Friction - Fleas are Good for Something!** Scenarios for reducing friction are presented including hydroplanes and air tracks. Even a flea can move a very heavy book if the friction is near zero (as demonstrated).
关 键 词: 摩擦力; 静摩擦系数的测量; 测量摩擦
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-01:吴雨秋(课程编辑志愿者)
阅读次数: 48