课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_billington_tne/  
主讲教师: David P. Billington
开课单位: 普林斯顿大学
开课时间: 2011-01-04
课程语种: 英语
伟大的土木工程师发现了一种适合他们建筑材料和结构的美学,大卫比林顿断言,他的生活工作一直是研究世界上一些最令人惊叹的工程专长。他回顾了自己的知识之旅,首先表彰了他的一些先辈,包括Elting Morison,工业历史学家和麻省理工学院科学,技术和社会项目的创始人,以及哲学家/历史学家R. G. Collingwood。比林顿描述了他在普林斯顿大学的职业生涯中的一个重大变化,当时他的一个课程中的建筑学生斥责他:“他们告诉我,我们讨厌你在教我们什么。 ......你在教我们棍子图和公式。那就是你如何教结构工程。为什么我们不能研究漂亮的结构?”他们向他展示了Salginatobel桥的照片,该桥是由一位名不见经传的瑞士工程师Robert Maillart建造的。关于谁没有用英语出版。这导致了比林顿的一项重大研究,并开启了他对伟大工程师如何深入研究其建筑材料性质的终生兴趣,例如Maillart的钢筋混凝土,并探索如何使其美观。在研究Maillart和其他欧洲工程师的工作时,Billington了解到“真正伟大的桥梁在美学上非常有趣。”它们通常来自竞争,满足结构艺术的标准,同时既不浪费材料也不浪费金钱。比林顿说,工程师们“从纪律中获得优雅 - 他们在纪律中找到了游戏。”虽然大部分比林顿钦佩的桥梁建于20世纪(19世纪出生的人),但他也向波士顿Zakim邦克山大桥的设计师Christian Menn致敬,该桥于2002年完工 - 一根不对称的斜拉桥已成为区域地标的桥梁。 “基本形式和结构来自工程师的想象力,”比林顿说,它让工程师“远远领先于我们的学者,他们常常认为我们会创新并向从业者解释。”门恩和他的同伴们“在那里做艺术”,“和比林顿的使命是教它。通过指派学生建立结构上重要的桥梁的小规模版本,他让学生了解工程师的思维方式。这些模特出现在艺术展览中,比林顿在演讲中展示了许多这样的作品。在一个脚注中,比林顿讨论了美国基础设施的惨淡状况,包括2007年明尼阿波利斯大桥的灾难性失败。像美国许多人一样,这种钢桁架桥是匿名设计过程的产物,比林顿说,桥梁               
课程简介: Great civil engineers finds an aesthetic appropriate for their building’s material and structure, asserts David Billington, whose life work has been the study of some of the world’s most stunning engineering feats. He reviews his own intellectual journey, first honoring some of his forebears, including Elting Morison, industrial historian and a founder of MIT's Program in Science, Technology and Society, and R. G. Collingwood, philosopher/historian. Billington describes a momentous turn in his career at Princeton, when architecture students in one of his courses rebuked him: “They told me, we hate what you’re teaching us. ... You’re teaching us stick diagrams and formulas. That’s how you teach structural engineering. Why can’t we study beautiful structures?” They showed him a picture of the Salginatobel Bridge, built by “an obscure Swiss engineer, Robert Maillart,” about whom there was little published in English. This led to a major stretch of research by Billington, and opened up his lifelong interest in how great engineers delve deep into the nature of their building material, such as Maillart’s reinforced concrete, and discover how to make it beautiful. In studying the work of Maillart and other European engineers, Billington learned that “truly great bridges are extremely interesting aesthetically.” They often result from competitions, satisfying criteria of structural art while wasting neither material nor money. Says Billington, the engineers “get elegance out of discipline -- they find play within discipline.” While most of Billington’s admired bridges were built in the 20th century (by men born in the 19th), he also pays tribute to Christian Menn, designer of Boston’s Zakim Bunker Hill Bridge, completed in 2002 -- an asymmetrical cable stayed bridge that has become a regional landmark. “Basic form and structure comes from the engineer’s imagination,” says Billington, which puts engineers “far ahead of us academics, who often think we make innovations and explain them to practitioners.” Menn and his peers are “out there doing art,” and Billington’s mission is to teach it. He gives his students a sense of how the engineer’s mind works, by assigning students to build small-scale versions of structurally significant bridges. These models show up in art exhibits, and Billington shows many slides of such work during his talk. In a footnote, Billington discusses the dismal state of U.S. infrastructure, including the catastrophic failure of the Minneapolis bridge in 2007. This steel truss bridge, like so many in the U.S., was the product of an anonymous design process, says Billington, where bridges are copied decade after decade, in an “unthinking acceptance of designs that are already flawed.”
关 键 词: 工程技术; 建筑; 建筑结构
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-29:wuyq
阅读次数: 108