
Use of Joint Fact Finding in Science Intensive Policy Disputes, Part I
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/urban-studies-and-planning/11-941-use-...  
主讲教师: Dr. Herman Karl Prof. Lawrence Susskind
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2003-01-01
课程语种: 英语
11.941 和11.941 构成为期一年的研讨会。这次研讨会的目的是探讨科学和科学家在生态系统和自然资源管理中的作用, 重点是联合事实发现, 将其作为环境决策的一种新方法。面对一个难题: 为什么在重要的社会决策中, 即使在健全的科学基础上作出决定的呼声不断升级, 科学也常常被忽视?一个原因是, 决策往往是由各种非科学的、对抗性的和利益相关者的动态推动的。因此, 尽管科学有助于为选择提供信息, 但它只是每个利益攸关方考虑的许多价值观和利益之一。为了应对这一新出现的挑战, 科学家和科学机构, 如美国地质调查局, 正在着手研究将科学纳入价值社会决策的问题。这项研究包括设计实验, 评估使用联合事实调查的新的和正在出现的方法来解决国家中一些最具争议的环境冲突的适当性。在前几节会议上, 我们将研究在环境纠纷中使用科学的问题,   在接下来的课程中, 学生们将分析和讨论涉及或应该涉及各种联合事实调查的案件。
课程简介: 11.941 and 11.942 make up a one-year seminar. The goal of this seminar is to explore the role of science and scientists in ecosystems and natural resources management focusing on joint fact finding as a new approach to environmental policy-making. Increasingly scientists and science organizations are confronting a conundrum: Why is science often ignored in important societal decisions even as the call for decisions based on sound science escalates? One reason is that decision-making is often driven by a variety of nonscientific, adversarial, and stakeholder dynamics. Thus, even though science helps inform choices, it is only one of many values and interests considered by each stakeholder. In response to this emerging challenge, scientists, and science agencies such as the U.S. Geological Survey, are embarking upon research that explores the problems of incorporating science into value-laden societal decisions. This research includes designing experiments that will assess the appropriateness of using the new and emerging approach of Joint Fact Finding to address some of the Nation's most contentious environmental conflicts. In the first few sessions we will examine the problems of using science in environmental disputes. In following sessions, students will analyze and discuss cases that involved or that should have involved Joint Fact Finding of various kinds.
关 键 词: 环境冲突; 风角的争议; 联合实地调查; 自然资源管理
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
最后编审: 2016-03-23:gmj
阅读次数: 30