
Political behaviour
课程网址: http://unow.nottingham.ac.uk/resources/resource.aspx?hid=b0bf7303...  
主讲教师: Dr Matthew Goodwin
开课单位: 诺丁汉大学
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
这是一个模块框架。它可以在线查看或作为zip文件下载。2010/2011秋季学期授课。本单元将向学生介绍政治行为研究中的关键辩论。本单元将特别关注政治行为(选举、投票、政治参与,以及在较小程度上的公众意见)的核心支柱。通过本单元,学生们将探索政治科学家用来研究政治行为的这些关键方面的理论和方法。选民、政党、党员和活动家以及政治参与的形式将得到更广泛的讨论。本课程将以学生在本科期间可能获得的知识为基础,向他们介绍新的辩论和文献。将向学生介绍并鼓励他们批判性地评估研究这些政治现象的主要方法,并使他们对理论和实证研究之间的相互作用有一个牢固的理解。课程代码:M13128适合学习:本科3级学分:20 Matthew Goodwin博士,政治与国际关系学院Matthew Goodwin博士在萨尔福德大学获得政治与当代历史学士学位(一等荣誉),并在西安大略大学获得政治学硕士学位。在罗杰·伊特韦尔教授和安娜·森托·布尔教授的指导下,他完成了巴斯大学欧洲研究和现代语言系的博士学位。在被任命为诺丁汉大学讲师之前,古德温博士曾是巴斯大学的临时讲师、曼彻斯特大学的研究助理和ESRC博士后研究员(曼彻斯特)。从广义上讲,戈德温博士的研究集中在选举行为和公共政策上。他的研究兴趣主要集中在极端主义政党及其支持的根源上,特别是极端主义右翼政党。他对党员和积极分子也有浓厚的兴趣,对政治参与的研究也更为普遍。这项研究已经发表在包括《欧洲政治研究杂志》、《政治研究》和《选举、舆论和政党杂志》等期刊上。古德温博士最近还合作编辑了一本书——《21世纪英国的新极端主义》(Routledge),该书探讨了对极端主义替代形式的支持以及对公共政策、警察和实践的影响。
课程简介: This is a module framework. It can be viewed online or downloaded as a zip file. As taught Autumn Semester 2010/2011. This module will introduce students to key debates in the study of political behaviour. The module will focus specifically on the core ‘pillars’ of political behaviour (elections, voting, political participation and, to a lesser extent, public opinion). Through the module students will explore theories and methodologies used by political scientists to study these key aspects of political behaviour. Voters, political parties, party members and activists, and forms of political participation more generally will be addressed. The module will build on the knowledge students might have gained during their undergraduate degrees while introducing them to new debates and literatures. Students will be introduced to, and encouraged to critically assess, major approaches to studying these political phenomena and will gain a firm understanding of the interplay between theory and empirical research. Module Code: M13128 Suitable for study at: Undergraduate level 3 Credits:20 Dr Matthew Goodwin, School of Politics and International Relations Dr Matthew Goodwin obtained his BA (First Class Hons) in Politics and Contemporary History at the University of Salford and MA in Political Science at the University of Western Ontario. He completed his PhD at the Department of European Studies and Modern Languages at the University of Bath, under the supervision of Professor Roger Eatwell and Professor Anna Cento Bull. Before being appointed Lecturer at the University of Nottingham, Dr Goodwin was Temporary Lecturer at the University of Bath, Research Associate at the University of Manchester and an ESRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Manchester). At broad level Dr Goddwin's research clusters around electoral behaviour and, to a lesser extent, public policy. His research interests are mainly in extremist political parties and the roots of their support, especially extreme right-wing parties. He also has a strong interest in party membership and activism, and the study of political participation more generally. This research has been published in journals including the European Journal of Political Research, Political Studies and the Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (JEPOP), among others. Dr Goodwin has also recently co-edited a volume - The New Extremism in 21st Century Britain (Routledge) which explores support for alternative forms of extremism and implications for public policy, police and practice.
关 键 词: 辩论; 政治行为; 国际关系
课程来源: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
最后编审: 2016-07-23:lkn
阅读次数: 45