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DNA matching as an example of Bayesian inference[DNA匹配作为贝叶斯推理的一个例子]
Bert Kappen(内梅亨大学) In this talk, I show how Bayesian networks can be used for missing person identification in forensics. In large scale disasters, it is tremendously im...
Bert Kappen(内梅亨大学) In this talk, I show how Bayesian networks can be used for missing person identification in forensics. In large scale disasters, it is tremendously im...

Finite horizon exploration for path integral control problems[路径积分控制问题的有限视野探索]
Bert Kappen(内梅亨大学) We have recently developed a path integral method for solving a class of non-linear stochastic control problems in the continuous domain [1, 2]. Path ...
Bert Kappen(内梅亨大学) We have recently developed a path integral method for solving a class of non-linear stochastic control problems in the continuous domain [1, 2]. Path ...

Integrating Logical Reasoning and Probabilistic Chain Graphs[整合逻辑推理和概率链图]
Arjen Hommersom(内梅亨大学) Probabilistic logics have attracted a great deal of attention during the past few years. While logical languages have taken a central position in rese...
Arjen Hommersom(内梅亨大学) Probabilistic logics have attracted a great deal of attention during the past few years. While logical languages have taken a central position in rese...
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