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Physical implementations and limitations in control theory[控制理论中的物理实现与局限性]
Henrik Sandberg(皇家理工学院) We discuss how and when one can implement and approximate given active and passive systems using lossless/Hamiltonian systems. In particular, we show ...
Henrik Sandberg(皇家理工学院) We discuss how and when one can implement and approximate given active and passive systems using lossless/Hamiltonian systems. In particular, we show ...

Tangency and Discriminants[相切和判别式]
Sandra Di Rocco(皇家理工学院) The discriminant of a polynomial with prescribed monomials is an irreducible polynomial in the coefficients vanishing when the corresponding polynomia...
Sandra Di Rocco(皇家理工学院) The discriminant of a polynomial with prescribed monomials is an irreducible polynomial in the coefficients vanishing when the corresponding polynomia...

Mechanisms of mGluR mediated plateau potentials in entorhinal cortex neurons[机制的代谢型谷氨酸受体介导的内嗅皮层神经元的高原电位]
Erik Fransen(皇家理工学院) It is well established that the estimated magnitude of memorized stimuli is biased: small magnitudes are overestimated and large magnitudes are undere...
Erik Fransen(皇家理工学院) It is well established that the estimated magnitude of memorized stimuli is biased: small magnitudes are overestimated and large magnitudes are undere...

Using Richer Models for Articulated Pose Estimation of Footballers[使用更丰富的模型进行足球运动员的关节姿势估计]
Vahid Kazemi(皇家理工学院) We present a fully automatic procedure for reconstructing the pose of a person in 3D from images taken from multiple views. We demonstrate a novel app...
Vahid Kazemi(皇家理工学院) We present a fully automatic procedure for reconstructing the pose of a person in 3D from images taken from multiple views. We demonstrate a novel app...

Physical implementations and limitations in control theory[控制理论中的物理实现和限制]
Henrik Sandberg(皇家理工学院) We discuss how and when one can implement and approximate given active and passive systems using lossless/Hamiltonian systems. In particular, we show ...
Henrik Sandberg(皇家理工学院) We discuss how and when one can implement and approximate given active and passive systems using lossless/Hamiltonian systems. In particular, we show ...
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