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When to Reach for the Cloud: Using Parallel Hardware for Link Discovery[当伸手云:使用并行硬件的链接发现]
Axel Polleres, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo(维也纳经济与商业大学) With the ever-growing amount of RDF data available across the Web, the discovery of links between datasets and deduplication of resources within knowl...
Axel Polleres, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo(维也纳经济与商业大学) With the ever-growing amount of RDF data available across the Web, the discovery of links between datasets and deduplication of resources within knowl...
Musubi: A Decentralized Mobile Social Web[Musubi:一个分散的移动社交网络]
Axel Polleres, Monica S. Lam(维也纳经济与商业大学) With the rise of cloud services, users' personal data (from photos to bank transactions) are scattered and hosted by a variety of application service ...
Axel Polleres, Monica S. Lam(维也纳经济与商业大学) With the rise of cloud services, users' personal data (from photos to bank transactions) are scattered and hosted by a variety of application service ...
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