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Innovation Everywhere - How the Acceleration of “GNR” (genetics, nanotechnology, robotics) Will Create a Flat and Equitable World[创新无处不在,如何加速“GNR”(遗传学、纳米技术、机器人技术)将创建一个扁平的、公平的世界]
Ray Kurzweil(Kurzweil技术公司) Ray Kurzweil may be the closest thing we have to a crystal ball. And if anyone has the right to some credibility in the prognostication arena, this ov...
Ray Kurzweil(Kurzweil技术公司) Ray Kurzweil may be the closest thing we have to a crystal ball. And if anyone has the right to some credibility in the prognostication arena, this ov...
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