
Fusion Energy: Promises Unkept?
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/cernacademictraining08_norbert_fepu/  
主讲教师: Holtkamp Norbert
开课单位: ITER组织
开课时间: 2010-07-17
课程语种: 英语
聚变能作为地球上的能量来源,自原理被理解以来,一直是人类的梦想。ITER是拉丁语“The Way”的意思,是目前在法国卡达拉奇建造的世界上最大的核聚变装置。在中华人民共和国、欧洲原子能共同体、印度、日本、大韩民国、俄罗斯联邦和美利坚合众国的支持下,2006年10月签署了《联合ITER协定》,成立了一个国际组织。其目标是建造一个功率放大10倍的聚变反应堆,总聚变功率为500兆瓦或以上,在400-3000秒的长时间燃烧下运行,以氘和氚为基本燃料。在简要介绍聚变科学原理之后,我们将介绍热核聚变的历史。最后,将介绍世界各地最近的建设项目、最新成果和ITER的发展道路。然后将更详细地介绍ITER的技术和科学挑战及其可预见的解决方案。
课程简介: Fusion power as the source of energy on Earth has been the dream of mankind ever since the principles were understood. ITER, the Latin word for “the way”, is the world’s largest Fusion device presently under construction in Cadarache, France. Supported by the People’s Republic of China, the European Atomic Energy Community, India, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, and the United States of America, an international organization was founded after the signature of the Joint ITER Agreement in October of 2006. The goal is to build a Fusion reactor with a power amplification of 10, a total fusion power of 500 MW or more operating at extended burn times of 400-3000 seconds, with Deuterium and Tritium as its basic fuel. Following a short introduction into fusion science principles, the history of thermo nuclear fusion will be covered. Finally more recent construction projects around the world, their latest achievements and the path to ITER will be described. Technological and scientific challenges of ITER together with their foreseen solutions will be then presented in more detail.
关 键 词: 聚变能; 核聚变; 地球能源
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-03-30:chenxin
阅读次数: 48