MiTexCube:用于在线分析文本单元格的MicroTextCluster Cube

MiTexCube: MicroTextCluster Cube for Online Analysis of Text Cells
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/cidu2011_zhang_mitexcube/  
主讲教师: Duo Zhang
开课单位: 伊利诺伊大学
开课时间: 2012-06-27
课程语种: 英语
多维文本数据库分析的一个基本问题是对各种在线应用程序的有效支持,例如总结文本单元格的内容和跨多个文本单元格比较内容。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的基础设施microtextcluster cube(或mitexcube),通过引入文本文档的微集群作为文本内容的紧凑表示,来支持对多维文本数据库的高效在线文本分析。在一个真实的多维文本数据库上的实验结果表明,在不牺牲大量分析质量的情况下,基于所提出的物化MitexCube的应用程序比基于每个单元中文档单元的直接分析基线方法更有效,MitexCube自然适应了效率之间的灵活权衡。Y和分析质量。
课程简介: A fundamental problem for analysis of multidimensional text databases is efficient and effective support of various kinds of online applications, such as summarizing the content of text cells and comparing the contents across multiple text cells. In this paper, we propose a new infrastructure called MicroTextCluster Cube (or MiTexCube) to support efficient online text analysis on multidimensional text databases by introducing micro-clusters of text documents as a compact representation of text content. Experimental results on a real multidimensional text database show that applications based on the proposed materialized MiTexCube are more efficient than the baseline method of direct analysis based on document units in each cell, without sacrificing much quality of analysis, and MiTexCube naturally accommodates flexible tradeoff between efficiency and quality of analysis.
关 键 词: 多维文本数据库; 计算机科学; 文本单元格; 在线文本分析
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-07-13:yumf
阅读次数: 43