

Principal Component Analysis and Clustering Reveal Human Maternal Ancestry from Complete Mitochondrial Sequences
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/ephdcs08_bhanot_pcaacrhma/  
主讲教师: Gyan Bhanot
开课单位: 新泽西州立大学
开课时间: 2008-10-15
课程语种: 英语
我们开发了一种简单、直接的方法,通过主成分分析和一致集合聚类,推断出所有人类母体谱系的系统发生树。与标准方法(如简约法和最大似然法)不同,我们的方法速度快,具有独特的树,不做先验假设,使用数据中的所有多态性,具有较高的内部分支共识。它证实,现代人类至少有两次迁徙来自非洲,人类的共同母系祖先(或称线粒体祖先)大约生活在20万年前的非洲。它还表明,通常由12705位点的多态性定义的所谓的";r clade";,太不均匀,无法从一个共同的祖先中衍生出来,并将单倍型群b/r5/f放置在n clade的亚洲分支中,与它们当前的位置一致。
课程简介: We develop a simple, direct method to infer the phylogenetic tree for the maternal lineage of all humans using principal component analysis and consensus ensemble clustering. Unlike standard methods such as parsimony and maximum likelihood, our method is fast, gives a unique tree, makes no a-priori assumptions, uses all polymorphisms in the data and has high internal branch consensus. It confirms that modern humans came from Africa in at least two migrations and that the common maternal ancestor of humans or "mitochondrial Eve" lived in Africa ~200,000 years ago. It also suggests that the so called "R Clade", usually defined by a polymorphism at locus 12705 is too heterogeneous to have derived from a single common ancestor and places haplogroups B/R5/F in the Asian branch of the N Clade in agreement with their current location.
关 键 词: 线粒体; 祖先; 成分分析
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-12-05:lxf
阅读次数: 36