
Usability and the Semantic Web
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/eswc06_jameson_usw/  
主讲教师: Anthony Jameson
开课单位: 德国国际大学
开课时间: 2006-06-14
课程语种: 英语
除了它的技术含义之外,语义Web远景还带来了一些关于可用性和接口设计的挑战。当缺乏相关培训或没有相关培训的人试图以语义Web技术可以利用的方式*制定知识(例如,使用本体编辑器或注释工具);*在查询或浏览时利用语义信息时,会出现什么困难?为了克服这些困难,采取了哪些战略?还有哪些主要的未决问题?本文将讨论这些问题,参考各种研究工作的实例和结果,包括涉及信息门户语义方法和工具的Semiport项目,以及Halo 2,其中开发和评估了使科学家能够正式化和查询大学级科学知识的工具。e.
课程简介: In addition to its technical implications, the semantic web vision gives rise to some challenges concerning usability and interface design. What difficulties can arise when persons with little or no relevant training try to * formulate knowledge (e.g., with ontology editors or annotation tools) in such a way that it can be exploited by semantic web technologies; * leverage semantic information while querying or browsing? What strategies have been applied in an effort to overcome these difficulties, and what are the main open issues that remain? This talk will address these questions, referring to examples and results from a variety of research efforts, including the project SemIPort, which concerns semantic methods and tools for information portals, and Halo 2, in which tools have been developed and evaluated that enable scientists to formalize and query college-level scientific knowledge.
关 键 词: 计算机科学; 语义Web; 语义信息
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-12-19:yumf
阅读次数: 42