
Managment and funding of research in the era of information society (eResearch)
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/forum2010_demsar_mfreis/  
主讲教师: Franci Demšar
开课单位: 斯洛文尼亚研究机构
开课时间: 2010-04-06
课程语种: 英语
课程简介: Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) is an independent public funding organisation, operating in four main areas: funding of research; promotion of excellent and applicative research; objective evaluation; and monitoring and analysing of R&D. Established in 2004, ARRS records a steady growth of its annual budget. Strong commitment of ARRS to function in a highly transparent manner is enabled by the ARRS's web portal, where transparency of instruments (annual plan of public calls, timetables of evaluation processes, results of public calls and names of peers) and transparency of procedures (evaluation methodologies, results of evaluations) are made available. Additionally, the web portal enables close monitoring of financial records and reports, and the distribution of the budget (online white book) on an annual or monthly basis. ARRS has established an internationally comparable evaluation process, which stands as a sole cornerstone for funding research. ARRS has adopted the two-stage application and evaluation procedure for research projects, requesting outline project proposal in the first phase and full project proposal in the second phase for those projects, which have been evaluated with satisfactory grades. Combination of qualitative and quantitative criteria (bibliometric data and peer review) is being applied to the evaluation of the proposals. Use of information system SICRIS and bibliographic system COBISS form the set of information tools, enabling the evaluation to any domestic or foreign peer and offer free access to data to employees of the ARRS, researchers and general public. SICRIS (SlovenIan Current Research Information System) was developed and is maintained by the Institute of Information Science (IZUM) and ARRS. There are 800 research organisations, 1300 research groups, 13600 researchers, 5200 research projects and 300 research programs featured in the SICRIS information system. Additionally, the system allows viewing of presentation pages of more than 500 European projects of the EU Framework Programmes directly from the Projects database within the CORDIS system. COBISS (Co-operative Online Bibliographic Systems and Services) is a reference model of a system representing the platform for the national library information system of Slovenia. Library information systems and current research information systems represent an essential infrastructure, indispensable in advanced education and research, as well as in cultural, technological and economical development. COBISS enables the transparency of intellectual production and access to up-to-date bibliographic records, cornerstones of evaluation by bibliometric indicators. COBISS.Net regional network, recently extended COBISS platform to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, while Bulgaria, Albania and Kosovo are preparing for the implementation of the COBISS system. The network offers free exchange of bibliographic records, created within the autonomous library information systems of the participating countries. Complementary bibliographic information system, used by ARRS and a reference international bibliographic system, is ISI Web of Science.
关 键 词: 公共资金; 评价程序; 信息系统
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-11-30:lxf
阅读次数: 40