
The Role of Collaborative Working Environments in Enabling Global Business
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/ice08_schaffers_rcw/  
主讲教师: Hans Schaffers
开课单位: 赫尔辛基商学院
开课时间: 2009-07-15
课程语种: 英语
Tukej je Treba Dodatše文件夹Gareisrcw Kot零件DVA提供注释…在Eno Predavanje IZ 2 Delov的sta dva avtorja!!!!本文的目标是,根据新的全球研究的早期结果,探索市场和行业的全球化如何影响公司的运营和合作方式,并调查全球网络和全球合作工作为市场参与者(包括欧洲的大型企业)带来的机遇。中小企业。一个核心的焦点是ICT支持的协作工作环境(CWE)如何实现全球运营和工作。基于对当前趋势和发展的调查,本文探讨了各种类型的协作设置,在这些设置中,CWE能够在团队、网络和社区中实现新的全球协作形式。案例研究的初步结果被提出,以确定可用于促进欧洲公司全球合作的政策和战略。
课程简介: Tukej je treba dodat še folder gareis_rcw kot part dva videa noter... Sta dva avtorja in eno predavanje iz 2 delov!!! The objective of this paper, based on early results of the New Global study, is to explore how globalisation of markets and industries affects the way companies are operating and collaborating, and to investigate the opportunities which global networking and global collaborative working opens up for market players including Europe's large number of SMEs. A core focus is on how ICT-enabled collaborative working environments (CWE) enable global operations and working. Based on an investigation of current trends and developments, this paper explores various types of collaboration settings in which CWEs enable new forms of global collaboration in teams, networks and communities. Initial results of case studies are presented to identify policies and strategies which could be applied to promote global collaboration of European companies.
关 键 词: 产业全球化; 全球协同工作; 通信技术
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-12-08:lxf
阅读次数: 51