边界:增加新闻和意见聚集的多样性的算法Sidelines: An Algorithm for Increasing Diversity in News and Opinion Aggregators |
课程网址: | http://videolectures.net/icwsm09_munson_safidno/ |
主讲教师: | Sean A. Munson |
开课单位: | 华盛顿大学 |
开课时间: | 2009-06-24 |
课程语种: | 英语 |
中文简介: | 聚合器依靠投票和链接来选择和呈现每天生成的大量新闻和意见项目的子集。输出集中的观点和主题多样性可以提供个人和社会利益,但简单地选择最受欢迎的项目可能不会产生与整个投票和链接池相同的差异。在本文中,我们定义了三种不同维度的多样性度量:包容、非异化和比例表示。然后,我们将边线算法作为一种提高结果集多样性的方法,在选择首选项后暂时抑制选民的偏好。与Digg.com上的用户投票和一组政治博客的链接中最受欢迎的项目相比,副业算法增加了包容性,同时减少了疏离感。对于具有已知政治偏好的博客链接集,我们还发现副业提高了比例表示。在一个使用博客链接数据作为投票的在线实验中,读者更可能在副业的结果集中发现一些对他们的观点具有挑战性的东西。这些发现有助于建立新闻和观点攻击者,向用户提供更广泛的主题和观点。 |
课程简介: | Aggregators rely on votes, and links to select and present subsets of the large quantity of news and opinion items gen- erated each day. Opinion and topic diversity in the output sets can provide individual and societal benefits, but simply selecting the most popular items may not yield as much di- versity as is present in the overall pool of votes and links. In this paper, we define three diversity metrics that ad- dress different dimensions of diversity: inclusion, non- alienation, and proportional representation. We then present the Sidelines algorithm – which temporarily suppresses a voter’s preferences after a preferred item has been selected – as one approach to increase the diversity of result sets. In comparison to collections of the most popular items, from user votes on Digg.com and links from a panel of political blogs, the Sidelines algorithm increased inclusion while de- creasing alienation. For the blog links, a set with known po- litical preferences, we also found that Sidelines improved proportional representation. In an online experiment using blog link data as votes, readers were more likely to find something challenging to their views in the Sidelines result sets. These findings can help build news and opinion aggre- gators that present users with a broader range of topics and opinions. |
关 键 词: | 新闻; 意见聚集; 政治博客 |
课程来源: | 视频讲座网 |
最后编审: | 2019-12-20:lxf |
阅读次数: | 81 |