
SentiSearch: Exploring Mood on the Web
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/icwsm09_sood_vasserman_esse/  
主讲教师: Lucy Vasserman; Sara Owsley Sood
开课单位: 波莫纳学院
开课时间: 2009-06-24
课程语种: 英语
未来的机器除了执行复杂的计算外,还将在情感层面与用户连接(Norman 2004)。在本文中,我们提出了一个系统,它为互联网用户经常从事的搜索活动添加了一个情感维度。Esse是一个Web搜索引擎,它代表情绪化状态搜索引擎,它不仅仅是帮助用户按主题探索Web,例如谷歌或雅虎等搜索引擎!负担得起。相反,它允许用户按心情浏览与主题相关的搜索结果,为用户提供对手头主题的独特视角。考虑一个希望阅读有关美国新总统意见的用户。在谷歌搜索框中输入“奥巴马总统”将返回(除其他结果外),一些关于奥巴马的最近新闻报道、白宫网站以及一篇关于他的维基百科文章。在谷歌博客搜索框中输入“奥巴马总统”,会让用户更接近他们的目标,因为所有的结果都是关于奥巴马的博客(通常是观点)。然而,博客搜索引擎的不足之处在于,它为用户提供了一种导航和消化博客世界浩瀚的方法,即“奥巴马总统”(截至2009年2月24日,约17335307个搜索结果)(Google Blog Search 2009)。ESE提供了另一个维度,用户可以通过它来获取网络或博客圈的广阔空间。本文概述了情绪分类的一种新方法ESE的贡献。
课程简介: Future machines will connect with users on an emotional level in addition to performing complex computations (Norman 2004). In this article, we present a system that adds an emotional dimension to an activity that Internet users engage in frequently, search. ESSE, which stands for Emotional State Search Engine, is a web search engine that goes beyond facilitating a user’s exploration of the web by topic, as search engines such as Google or Yahoo! afford. Rather, it enables the user to browse their topically relevant search results by mood, providing the user with a unique perspective on the topic at hand. Consider a user wishing to read opinions about the new president of the United States. Typing “President Obama” into a Google search box will return (among other results), a few recent news stories about Obama, the Whitehouse’s website, as well as a wikipedia article about him. Typing “President Obama” into a Google Blog Search box will bring the user a bit closer to their goal in that all of the results are indeed blogs (typically opinions) about Obama. However, where blog search engines fall short is in providing users with a way to navigate and digest the vastness of the blogosphere, the incredible number of results for the query “President Obama” (approximately 17,335,307 as of 2/24/09) (Google Blog Search 2009). ESSE provides another dimension by which users can take in the vastness of the web or the blogosphere. This article outlines the contributions of ESSE including a new approach to mood classification.
关 键 词: 网络搜索引擎; 博客搜索框; 情绪分类
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-15:heyf
阅读次数: 24