目前,个性化和精确化:定义搜索Web 3.0

Present, Personalized and Precise: Defining Search for Web 3.0
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/iswc09_spivack_ppap/  
主讲教师: Nova Spivack
开课单位: 雷达网络公司
开课时间: 2009-11-24
课程语种: 英语
下一代网络搜索比预期的来得快。事实上,我们已经看到人们搜索方式的几个转变,以及主要搜索引擎为消费者提供功能的方式。虽然web 1.0(1989-99)是由等级排名定义的,web 2.0(1999-2009)是由社会搜索定义的,但随着我们开始实现语义网络,新的搜索范式将从过去转向现在,从社会转向个人。相关性不仅由关键字和图形算法定义,还由语义精度定义。为什么搜索会为每个人返回相同的结果?当两个不同的人搜索相同的信息时,他们可能想要得到非常不同的结果。在某一特定领域中是新手的人可能希望初学者级别的信息在结果中比专家级别更高。其他用例可能会强调一些新颖的东西,而不是以前看到过的东西,或者过去发生过的东西,在这些情况下,时间越及时,它也可能越相关。两个主题——现在的和个人的——将定义伟大的搜索体验。虽然在今天的搜索中,时间性和相关性是人们熟悉的(如果是新生的)概念,但本次谈话将特别侧重于探索未来十年的一些新现实和长期后果。
课程简介: The next generation of Web search is coming sooner than expected. In fact, we are already seeing several shifts in the way people search, and the way major search engines provide functionality to consumers. Whereas Web 1.0 (1989-99) was defined by hierarchical rankings, and Web 2.0 (1999-2009) by social search, as we begin to realize the Semantic Web, the new paradigm of search will shift from the past to the present, and from the social to the personal. Relevancy will not just be defined by keywords and graph algorithms, but by semantic precision. Why should searches return the same results for everyone? When two different people search for the same information, they may want to get very different kinds of results. Someone who is a novice in a given field may want beginner-level information to rank higher in the results than someone who is an expert. Other use cases may emphasize things that are novel over things that have been seen before, or that have happened in the past — in these instances, the more timely something is, the more relevant it might be as well. Two themes -- present and personal -- will come to define great search experiences. And although timeliness and relevance are familiar (if nascent) concepts in the context of search today, this talk will focus in particular on exploring some of the new realities and long-term consequences of the decade to come.
关 键 词: 语义Web; 计算机科学; Web搜索
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-12-20:lxf
阅读次数: 19