
Semantic Search: Reconciling Expressive Querying and Exploratory Search
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/iswc2011_ferre_semantic/  
主讲教师: Sébastien Ferré
开课单位: 法国雷恩第一大学
开课时间: 2011-11-25
课程语种: 英语
面搜索和查询是语义网搜索的两种著名范式。查询语言(如SPARQL)提供了搜索RDF数据集的表达方式,但它们很难使用。查询助手帮助用户编写格式良好的查询,但它们不会阻止空结果。分面搜索支持探索性搜索,即引导式导航,它向用户返回丰富的反馈,并防止用户陷入死胡同(空结果)。然而,分面搜索系统并不能提供与查询语言相同的表达能力。我们引入了基于查询的分面搜索(qfs),即表达查询语言和分面搜索的组合,以协调这两种模式。在本文中,lisql查询语言概括了现有的语义方面的搜索系统,并涵盖了sparql的大部分特性。一个原型,Sewelis(又名camelis 2)已经实现,可用性评估表明,qfs保留了分面搜索的易用性,并且允许用户在很少培训的情况下构建复杂的查询。
课程简介: Faceted search and querying are two well-known paradigms to search the Semantic Web. Querying languages, such as SPARQL, offer expressive means for searching RDF datasets, but they are difficult to use. Query assistants help users to write well-formed queries, but they do not prevent empty results. Faceted search supports exploratory search, i.e., guided navigation that returns rich feedbacks to users, and prevents them to fall in dead-ends (empty results). However, faceted search systems do not offer the same expressiveness as query languages. We introduce Query-based Faceted Search (QFS), the combination of an expressive query language and faceted search, to reconcile the two paradigms. In this paper, the LISQL query language generalizes existing semantic faceted search systems, and covers most features of SPARQL. A prototype, Sewelis (aka. Camelis 2), has been implemented, and a usability evaluation demonstrated that QFS retains the ease-of-use of faceted search, and enables users to build complex queries with little training.
关 键 词: 探索性搜索; 语义网; 数据集; 检索系统
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-12-19:lxf
阅读次数: 50