
Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/kenforum2011_mulej_ethics/  
主讲教师: Matjaž Mulej
开课单位: 马里博尔大学
开课时间: 2011-07-08
课程语种: 英语
导致问题的心理无法解决。因此,2008年的危机不能用工业经济学和新自由主义经济学的片面和短期思想来解决,这导致了近几十年的“泡沫经济”。到目前为止,无论是市场还是政府都没有像近几个世纪在所谓的资本主义或共产主义/社会主义社会经济秩序中所期望的那样,确保所有人的共同利益。前工业时代的思想也无法确保从“看不见”中产生的共同利益。手或电源支架的“可见手”。无论是家庭、企业、非政府组织、公共机构或政府机构,人类、决策或领导组织始终作出和采取决策/行动。组织的作用是提供专家的协同合作,使之成为整体主义的基础,从而实现共同利益。在本文中,这些事实使我们思考人类、他们的责任、价值观、文化、伦理和规范(VCEN),重点关注创业和商业生活。它们使我们思考一种创新的心态变化(既作为有益变化的过程,也作为其结果)。因此,我们开始考虑将(a)社会责任(sr)、(b)创新(c)辩证系统理论(作为实现必要整体主义(rh)的理论)结合在一起,没有这个理论,所有人的利益都很难产生。这意味着,我们不认为(公司)SR是所有者和管理者与同事、商业伙伴、更广泛的社会(包括作为SR一部分的慈善)和自然(在经历了数世纪的自然破坏而非维护之后,作为人类生存的一般先决条件)关系中的简单慈善或诚实,而是A/新自由主义及其“泡沫经济”之后的新社会经济秩序。后者忽视了自然和人类的能力,不允许继续破坏人类及其自然前提条件。没有SR,当前的文明几乎没有生存的机会。在ISO 26000中,SR包括(1)治理、管理和组织,(2)人权,(3)劳动关系,(4)自然环境,(5)公平的商业实践,(6)消费者问题,(7)社区参与和发展;它将所有这些联系起来,并考虑(1)相互依赖作为基础,和(2)整体主义作为首要意图/ACH。与公司相比,我们更喜欢SR:他们遵循有影响力的人的决策。sr是人类的属性。相互依存使人诚实,从片面走向整体。
课程简介: Problems cannot be solved with the mentality that has caused them’. Hence, the 2008- crisis cannot be solved with ethics of one-sided and short-term mentality of the industrial and neoliberal economics, which has caused the ‘Bubble Economy’ of several recent decades. Neither the market nor the government alone have assured the common benefit of all humans so far, as they were supposed to in the so-called capitalistic or communistic/socialistic socioeconomic order over the recent centuries.The pre-industrial mentality has neither been able to assure the common benefit that should resultfrom the ‘invisible hand’ or the ‘visible hand’ of power-holders. The decisions/actions have always been made and taken by humans, making or heading organizations, be it families, enterprises, non-governmental organizations, public institutions, or government bodies. The role of organizations is to provide for synergetic cooperation of specialists toward holism as the basis of the common benefit. These facts make us think about humans, their responsibility, values, culture, ethic, and norms (VCEN), with a focus on entrepreneurial and business life, in this text. They make us think about an innovativechange in mentality (both as a process of beneficial change and as its outcome). Thus, we come to think of combining in a synergy (a) social responsibility (SR), (b) innovation, (c) the (Dialectical) Systems Theory (as the theory of attainment of the requisite holism (RH), without which the benefit of all can hardly be yielded). This means that we do not see the (corporate) SR as a simple charity or honesty of owners and managersin their relations with their coworkers, business partners, broader society (including charity as a part of SR) and nature (as a general precondition of human survival after centuries of nature’s destruction rather than maintenance), but as a/the new socio-economic order after neoliberalism and its ‘Bubble Economy’. The latter disregards the natural and human capacities too much to be allowed to continue destroying humankind and its natural preconditions. Without SR, the current civilization hardly has a chance to survive. In ISO 26000, namely, SR covers (1) governance, management and organization, (2) human rights, (3) labor relations, (4) natural environment, (5) fair business practices, (6) consumer issues, (7) community involvement and development;it links all of them with consideration of (1) interdependence as the basis, and (2) holism as the top intention/achievement.We prefer no limitation of SR to companies: they follow influential humans’ decisions. SR is a human attribute. Interdependence makes human honest and leads from one-sidedness to holism.
关 键 词: 新自由主义经济学; 工业化; 协同合作; 社会经济秩序
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-12-21:lxf
阅读次数: 53