
BilVideo: MPEG-7 Compliant Video Database Management System
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mcvc08_kucuktnuc_bilv/  
主讲教师: Onur Küçüktunç
开课单位: 比尔肯大学
开课时间: 2008-02-18
课程语种: 英语
Bilvideo是一个视频数据库管理系统,为时空、语义和低级功能查询提供集成支持。这些查询是由一个基于知识库、特征和对象关系数据库的基于规则的系统在早期版本的BilVideo中处理的。BilVideo现在与MPEG-7兼容,这是描述多媒体内容的标准。为此,使用了一个XML本机功能数据库和一个MPEG-7功能提取器工具。我们的视频DBMS的新版本也基于客户机-服务器体系结构,在该体系结构中,用户可以使用可视化查询界面指定查询。在MPEG-7的支持下,可以处理低级的特征查询(颜色、形状、纹理、运动),并与CNR ISTI的多媒体元数据管理(4M)、CEA列表的Web内容平台等多媒体平台集成。本文简要讨论了MPEG-7的兼容性问题和新的系统设计。
课程简介: BilVideo is a video database management system that provides integrated support for spatiotemporal, semantic, low-level feature queries. These queries were processed by a rule-based system based on a knowledge-base, a feature and object-relational databases in the earlier version of BilVideo. BilVideo is now MPEG-7 compatible, which is a standard for describing multimedia content. An XML-native feature database for efficient indexing, and an MPEG-7 feature extractor tool are used for this purpose. New version of our video DBMS is also based on client-server architecture, where users may specify queries by using the visual query interface. With the help of MPEG-7 support, it will be possible to process low-level feature queries (color, shape, texture, motion) and integrate with other multimedia platforms such as Multimedia Metadata Management (4M) of CNR ISTI, and Web Content platform of CEA LIST. MPEG-7 compatibility issues and the new system design are briefly discussed in the presentation.
关 键 词: 视频数据库管理系统; MPEG-7标准兼容; 客户端-服务器
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-12-27:lxf
阅读次数: 58